Provisional Government Key debates
- Created by: CallmeCait
- Created on: 09-05-23 12:36
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- Doomed to fail?
- Provisional Government
- Why Reluctant to Reform?
- Main aim to enable reform the political system through the Constituent Assembly
- Paid little attention to economic and social reform
- "greatest feature of the government was ineffective"
- Attempted reform:
- Release political prisoners
- Secret courts ended
- Freedom of the press
- Weak atempt to unite
- Didn't attempt to adress land issue
- Workers commities clamped down on
- This increased opposition (July Days)
- Food shortages due to war
- Main aim to enable reform the political system through the Constituent Assembly
- WW1 responsible for fall?
- Optimist
- War had popular support
- war meant that the govt could not properly put in place authority
- Costly in impact on land
- Limited support from allies
- War was the priority so ignored other issues
- Pesimist
- Doomed to fail regardless
- People saw the PG as an extention of the tsarist regime- danger of dissintergration befire the war
- wanted social and economic change before the war
- Kerenskys leadership was questionable e.g. dealing with the Kornilov affair
- However downplays impact of war
- Optimist
- Opposition form national minorities lead to the fall?
- Overlooked when considering the demise
- People angry their wants and needs were not being considered
- Spurred on by the success of workers
- Took advantage of new laws, e.g no police units
- Central Rada formed in Ukraine - press for autonomy
- Finnland made the Sejn - free from Russian influence
- Did not prioritse so took into own hands
- Why Reluctant to Reform?
- Yes:
- Doomed to fail but did not help with poor desicions
- Well accepted by lacked legitimacy of an electiton
- Had no choice but to remain in the war - arguably biggest mistake
- Failure to deal with opponents due to circumstance
- No:
- Succesful in meeting its main aim- preportaions for the constituent assembly
- Determination of Bolsheviks
- Only time united - popular support from workers
- Kornilov affair could have been dealt with better
- Provisional Government
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