provision of food in the UK
- Created by: westanrevision
- Created on: 05-04-23 16:54
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- provision of food in the UK
- increasing population will increase future demand for food
- imports around 40% of total food consumed
- why does the UK import so much food?
- UK-produced food is too expensive due to poor harvests and price of animal feed
- cheaper food from abroad imported by supermarkets who compete for low prices
- UK climate unsuitable for production of some foods, incl cocoa, tea and bananas
- demand for seasonal food all year round, incl strawberries and apples
- demand for greater choice and more exotic foods
- impact of importing food
- air transport is expensive
- increases carbon footprint
- transport by planes and lorries
- producing energy for commercial cultivation
- responding to challenges
- interest in sourcing food locally to reduce carbon emissions
- agribusiness
- intensive farming
- maximises yield of food
- farms run as commercial businesses
- have high levels of investment, use modern technology and chemicals
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