- Created by: cookieshypiggy
- Created on: 22-04-13 08:50
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- Protists
- Kingdom Protista
- endosymbiosis
- Endo: inside Symbiosis: mutualistic relationship between 2 or more species endosymbiosis: 1 species (endosymbiont) living within another (host)
- smaller prokaryote (endosymbiont) engulfed by larger prokaryote (host)
- heterotrophic eukaryote containing mitochondria evolved first
- chloroplast evolved by endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic cyan bacterium later in time
- plastid-bearing lineage of protists evolve into red & green algae
- Sometimes, red/green algae are ingested by heterotrophic eukaryotes into food vacuole (secondary endosymbiosis)
- most unicellular
- most larger than bacteria
- very diverse in structure & function
- nutrition: parasitic, autotrophic or heterotrophic
- Molds
- Commonly: water mold and slime mold
- Phylum Oomycota
- water mold, white rust, downy mildew, etc.
- Cause parasitic diseases in plants
- Fungus-like protists
- Phylum Myxomycota
- plasmodial slime mold, plasmodium, etc.
- Nutrition: egulf bacteria and organic material
- no: cell membrane/wall have: cytoplasm
- Sexual reproduction
- Phylum Acrasiomycota
- live:damp soil/ rotting log
- structure: pseudopods
- nutrition: pseudopods engulf food (bacteria). if scarce, pseud-oplasmodium)
- asexual and sexual reproduction
- cellular slime mold, etc.
- Protozoa
- animal-like
- Phylum Zoomastigina
- Zooflagellates
- Nutrients: heterotrophic
- all unicellular and eukaryotic
- Phylum Rhizopoda
- freshwater
- pseudopods, vacuoles
- nutrients: heterotrophs
- Phylum Granuloreticulosa
- thread-like pseudopods
- foraminferans- shells made of Calcium Carbonate
- Radiolarians- shells made of silica
- Phylum Apicomplexa
- sporozoans
- Adults immobile
- nutrients: parasitic
- sexual reproduction (spores)
- Phylum Ciliophora
- Ciliates (cilia around body)
- reproduction: binary fission (conjugation)
- Algae
- Single-celled: phytoplankton multicellular: algae
- plant-like
- phytoplankton- 70% earth's photosynthetic activity
- Phylum Dinoflagellata (Pyrrophyta)
- live: marine
- 2 flagella -logitudinal & tranverse
- nutrients: autotrophs
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- diatoms
- live: water
- unicellular/ colonies
- silica shells
- nutrients: autotrophs
- all photosynthesise
- Phylum Euglenophyta (Euglena)
- unicellular
- 1 flagellum
- flexible outer cover (pellicle)
- eyespot- allow them to sense and move towards the light
- nutrients: autotrophs
- photosynthesis- store paramylon not starch
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Red algae
- live: mostly marine
- multicellular
- contains red pigment (covers chlorophyll)
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- live: marine
- multicellular
- browish, yellow pigments
- majority live in cold ocean water
- largest protists- dense kelp forests
- Brown algae
- plasmodial slime mold, plasmodium, etc.
- flagellum
- Phylum Zoomastigina
- Zooflagellates
- Nutrients: heterotrophic
- Phylum Zoomastigina
- Phylum Chlorophyta
- Algae
- Single-celled: phytoplankton multicellular: algae
- plant-like
- phytoplankton- 70% earth's photosynthetic activity
- Phylum Dinoflagellata (Pyrrophyta)
- live: marine
- 2 flagella -logitudinal & tranverse
- nutrients: autotrophs
- Phylum Chrysophyta
- diatoms
- live: water
- unicellular/ colonies
- silica shells
- nutrients: autotrophs
- all photosynthesise
- Phylum Euglenophyta (Euglena)
- unicellular
- 1 flagellum
- flexible outer cover (pellicle)
- eyespot- allow them to sense and move towards the light
- nutrients: autotrophs
- photosynthesis- store paramylon not starch
- Phylum Rhodophyta
- Red algae
- live: mostly marine
- multicellular
- contains red pigment (covers chlorophyll)
- Phylum Phaeophyta
- live: marine
- multicellular
- browish, yellow pigments
- majority live in cold ocean water
- largest protists- dense kelp forests
- Brown algae
- green algae
- can be green, orange, rust or red
- freshwater & marine
- unicellular & multicellular
- contains chlorophyll a & b and carotenoid
- Algae
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