The Handmaid's Tale
- Created by: elliejelly66
- Created on: 26-04-17 00:55
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- Protesting oppression- Public or Private?
- Private
- Gilead law declares individuals sinful even when victims of misfortune- blurs into internalised oppression. Janine blames herself for the death of her baby as she got pregnant by doctor and not commander- public oppression easily blurred into private oppression in the form of inner psychological oppression
- Doctor offers to impregnate Offred, who refuses showing she would rather follow Gilead law than take up his offer, noticeable in the manner that Offred has echoes the rules and ideas of Gilead within her narration- internalising the voice of Gilead 'The penalty is death'. Does not immediately decline- mere notion of consideration can be seen as protest, realises she is fearful over the fact she has been given a choice. Partly adjusts to Gilead to make life more bearable, aware she does this and may not want to comply but doesn't feel strong enough to resist
- Gileads oppression tainting an individual- Japanese tourists. Offred can't help her opinion of it being wrong to dress in their manner. Shows awareness of Gilead's influence and power 'It has taken them so little time to change our minds about things like this' Demonstrates internalising Gilead's oppression- rules and laws required to be followed "Modesty is invisibility' power can make a person paranoid and afraid- leading to conformity
- Public
- Public could be most influential as leads to private oppression- Handmaids are reproductive organs, detaches them from being people. Offered demonstrates private oppression- simplification 'we are two-legged wombs, thats all'- acceptance, defeat
- The Ceremony- dehumanising, degrading. Sickening as it's realised none of the 3 participants are willing or enjoying it, intercourse is merely Gilead ritual being enforced 'This is not recreation.. serious business'. Offred says she 'chose' this, reality is that Gilead forces Handmaids to pick the best of a grotesque array of options
- Brutality- introduction to Gilead violence via 'the wall' where bodies of those executed for disobedience are displayed, not a rare occurrence as indicated by Offred's emotionallynumb comment 'more bodies'
- Handmaids are punished and groomed by The Aunts to stop resistance in a cold and cruel manner. Aunts coax the Handmaidsto reach the conclusion that Janine is to blame for her ****- brainwashed and coerced by peer pressure, form of public oppression as these ideas are being implemented by a person with status
- Salvaging- Handmaidsgiven rope to pull during a hanging ceremony to contribute to the hanging of their own. Public oppression in sense that Gilead is perversely using peer pressure, fear and herd mentality to create a twisted sense of unity for the purpose of punishment and policing
- Private
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