Prokaryotic cells and viruses
- Created by: jessicawarren
- Created on: 05-04-16 13:55
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- Prokaryotic Cells/ Viruses
- Structure
- Cytoplasm has no membrane bound organelles. Smaller ribosomes than eukaryotic cell
- Plasma membrane made of lipids/proteins. Controls movement of substances in/out of cell
- Cell wall supports/prevents cell from changing shape. Made of murein, a glycoprotein
- Some have capsule made of slime, helps protect bacteria from attack
- Plasmids, small loops of DNA. Contain genes for antibiotic resistance
- No nucleus, instead circular DNA that floats free in cytoplasm
- Flagellum helps cell move
- Viruses
- Nucleic acids surrounded by a protein
- No plasma membrane, no cytoplasm, no ribosomes
- Invade/reproduce inside cells of hosts
- Replication of prokaryotes
- Binary fission
- 1: Circular DNA/plasmids replicate. DNA loop replicated once, plasmids more than once
- 2: Cell gets bigger, DNA loops move to opposite poles of cell
- 3: Cytoplasm begins to divide, new cell walls begin to form
- 4: Cytoplasm divides, two daughter cells produced. Each has one copy of circular DNA and variable number of plasmid copies
- Replication of viruses
- 1: Use attachment proteins to bind to complementary receptor proteins on surface of host cells
- 2: Require different receptor proteins on host. Some viruses only infect one type of cell
- 3: Inject their DNA/RNA into host cell. Causes ribosomes/enzymes to replicate viral particles
- Structure
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