Prokarytoic Cell Variation
- Created by: 13ccooke
- Created on: 10-10-18 12:40
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- Prokaryotic Cell Varitation
- Prokaryotic cell replicate by a process called binary fission
- Binary Fission
- Step 1
- The circular DNA and plasmids replicate
- The main DNA loop is only repilcate once but plasmids can be replicated lots of times
- Step 2
- The cells get bigger and the DNA loops move to 'opposite poles'ends of the cell
- Step 3
- The cytoplasm begins to divide and new cell wall being to form
- Step 4
- The cytoplam divides and two daughter cells are produced
- Each daughter cell has one copy of circular DNA, but can have a variable number of plasmids
- Step 1
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