Production Context (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)
- Created by: Trussi
- Created on: 10-12-22 16:02
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- Production Context (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)
- Box-office Success
- Man fights an oppressive system
- Praugue Springs (1968)
- 7 Oscars
- Counter Culture of the 1970s
- Novel by Ken Kesey
- CIA expreiment in which he was doing a drug test thinking it was for medical reasons but actually it was so the CIA could see the effects of hallusinegenics such as LSD
- Untitled
- Climate Change
- The film opens and closes on lush, green hills
- McMurphy is a catalyst
- Try to make the inamtes "real men"
- Sexual Opression reflects the Sexual liberation of the 1960s
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