Problems the Bolsheviks would be likely face in the long term
- Created by: tash_c1ark
- Created on: 01-11-21 10:44
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- Problems the Bolsheviks would likely face in the long term
- Liquor problems and lack of military organisation
- lack of support from key aspects of the state such as the bank and foreign affairs would mean the country would fall apart
- lack of other socialist parties could lead to another revolution by opposition
- when the promises of the Bolsheviks didn't happen there was a lack of popular support from the population
- Division among the people
- Mensheviks opposed total power that the Bolsheviks held
- Bolsheviks did not want to distribute power because of 'all power to the soviets
- really all power to the Bolsheviks
- === Civil War
- opportunity for the Bolsheviks support to be diminished as they had options
- Empty factories causing issues with supply lines and employment
- Army was facing dissolution
- no defence
- Use of political terror for control caused a lack of control
- lack of control in the wider areas of the Empire
- had to reconquer the borderlands
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