Anti-natalist and pro-natalist (France and China)
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Liz_E
- Created on: 26-04-16 18:01
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- Pro-natalist-France
- Anti-natalist- China
- Problems
- 4.2.1- 1 child looks after 2 parents and 4 grandparents
- Male infants are more desirable, so leads to female infanticide, abandonment, and selling on black market (female- $500 and male- $1000) and gender imbalance of 100:111.7
- Little emperor syndrome, where a whole generation is very selfish
- Predicted 30% of the population will be 65+ in 2025- ageing popualtion
- Causes
- Worries that a growing population couldn't be supported
- In 1940, the population was 540 million
- Solutions
- One child policy
- Only one child per family
- Household savings have been increased
- The population was 1.3 billion in 2007, 25% lower than expected
- Population dropped by 300 million
- Fertility rate has fallen from 5.75 (1970) to 1.7 (2000)
- One child policy
- Problems
- Problems
- Worries about a declining labour force
- Worries about an ageing population
- Causes
- Not enough infants are born because women have careers
- More people have disposable income
- Solutions
- Code de famille
- 30% public transport fare reduction
- 3rd child earns you £1064
- Free child care
- 100% mortage
- Subsidised holidays
- People have confidence
- Lasted for 70 years
- Banned contraceptives- in 1967 was repealed
- Not easy to evaluate
- It is not clear whether or not it has worked
- Code de famille
- Anti-natalist- China