- Created by: Rachel
- Created on: 29-04-14 00:00
View mindmap
- President
- Powers
- propose/sign/veto legislation
- nominate exec branch officials/ sc judges
- Negotiate treaties
- pardons
- submit annual budget
- congress still has PofPurs
- act as commander-in-chief
- Exec Orders
- Role of VP
- presiding officer of Senate
- break tie vote in senate
- 2nd to PR
- counts & announces EC
- Imperial or Imperriled
- Imperial
- increased use of war-making power, Iraq/vietnam
- excessive secrecy - watergate
- lack of checks & balances
- Bush post 9/11
- Imperil
- Consequences- Nixon resigned, Johnson no reelection
- BushJr- 1st yr imperial, last 2 lame duck
- Bush only had power because of 9/11 - NatSec
- Afghan&Iraq approved by congress
- Obama problems with medicare
- None
- actions have consequences, war powers act & budget control act for Nixon
- Imperial
- Cabinet
- advisors to president
- representative of population - clinton 'looks like america
- not sig'- no collective decision making, loyalties are not w/PR
- links with congress
- links w/ racial groups, partiy & regions
- Foreign/ Domestic
- Foreign
- cold war enabled PR to set tone and direction of foreign pol
- though congress has auth' over armed forces, can't stop president if he acts
- 'politics stops at waters edge'
- Domestic
- sets domestic adgenda
- bureaucratic support gives adv' over congress
- veto
- executive orders
- Neither
- Congress has power of purse
- President can only veto leg, not make
- growth of partisanship means harder to get progs through
- senate can ratify treaties
- Foreign
- Factors that limit/enhance
- public opinion
- pressure groups
- media
- federal bureaucracy
- lame duck
- term/lameduck
- crises
- WH Staff
- experience
- party unity
- use of power
- Powers
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