The Presidency
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?- Created by: Hannah
- Created on: 27-05-13 19:19
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- Presidency
- What are formal powers of the president?
- Propose Legislation
- Submit annual budget
- Sign legislation
- Veto legislation
- Act as Chief Executive
- Nominate executive branch officials
- Nominate all federal judges
- Act as commander-in-chief
- Negotiate treaties
- Pardon
- How important is the VP?
- Role of fed govt has grown = so has VPs
- Attracted more significant people to the office
- Taken on new roles
- Major spokesperson
- Washington-insider
- Role of fed govt has grown = so has VPs
- What problems does the pr face in dealing with the fed bureaucracy?
- Clientelism
- Imperialism
- Parochialism
- Incrementalism
- Inefficiency
- What is the cabinet and how important is it?
- An advice-giving group selected by the pr, membership of which is determined by tradition and pr discretion
- Independently the members are very important, as a group not so much
- What role is played by EXOP?
- Provide help, advice, coordination and admin support to the pr
- How can the pr get his way with Congress?
- Persuasion through other people - VP, Office of Legislative Affairs, Cabinet members, party leadership in Congress
- Presidential persuasion e.g. phonecall
- What is the pr's relation with SC?
- SC can declare pr actions unconstitutional
- Pr appoints members
- What factors may limit or enhance pr power?
- Congress
- SC
- Public Opinion
- Pressure Groups
- Media
- Federal Bureacracy
- Professional reputation
- Quality of staff
- Level of unity of party
- Crisis
- What are formal powers of the president?