- Created by: Carolyn
- Created on: 20-05-14 19:40
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- Pregnancy
- Being a healthy body weight is important pre-conception
- Being very underweight or overweight can make it difficult to concieve
- Smoking or passive smoking is also linked with reduced fertility- smoking during pregnancy raises risk of miscarriage or stillbirth as well as premature birth
- Alcohol consumption can reduce fertility and alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy
- Borderline deficiencies may worsen when a woman becomes pregnant
- Pregnancy divided into 3 trimesters- nutrient demands increase most rapidly in the last trimester
- Untrue that a pregnant woman needs to 'eat for two'- only an extra 200 kcals per day are needed
- Fat
- Intake should be maintained rather than increased
- EFAs play important role in reducing hypertension in mum and development of the brain/eye of fetus
- Carbohydrates
- Increased energy needs should be met by eating complex carbs
- Constipation may occur during pregnancy so diet rich in NSP is recommended
- Protein
- More protein is needed for growth of fetus + repair and maintenance of mother's body tissue during and after pregnancy
- Calcium
- Fetus requires los of calcium in last trimester as skeleton develops
- During pregnancy, body increases absorption of calcium from food
- If mother's diet was low in calcium before pregnancy, she may lose calcium fro skeleton leading to weakened bones + teeth
- Iron
- Mother must have enough iron to meet own needs + provide baby with store of iron for first few months after birth
- Menstruation stops during pregnancy + absorption of iron increases- mother must meet her iron needs by regular intake of iron-rich foods
- Sodium
- No more than 6g per day to maintain steady blood pressure
- Vitamin A
- Needed fro growth and eye development of fetus
- Vitamin A can be toxic in large amounts leading to birth defects
- Avoid liver and liver products during pregnancy
- Vitamin D
- Deficiency can lead to low birth weight of baby and oesteomalacia in mother
- B Group Vitamins
- Folate required for development of brain and nervous system- lack of folate may lead to spina bifida, miscarriage or slow growth
- Fetus stores vitamin B12 for first 6 months of life
- Vitamin C
- Assists absorption of iron
- Improves immunity and prevents infections
- Requirements increase in last trimester
- Being a healthy body weight is important pre-conception