Pre history -public health surgery and treatment of disease
- Created by: eshajk
- Created on: 07-04-16 14:41
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- pre-history
- public health
- most people died before 40
- moved around a lot (nomadic)
- became very strong but needed a lot of food
- pregnancy and childbirth was very dangerous
- poor nutrition
- didn't grow tall
- surgery and anatomy
- the only surgery that took place was trephaning
- some people survived (did not die immediately}
- they did not know anything about anatomy
- the only surgery that took place was trephaning
- treatment of disease
- people believed that evil spirits caused disease
- medicine men performing rituals dressed as animals
- people wore charms or carried them for protection
- mud casts for broken bones
- factors
- poor communication
- didn't record anything bur some paintings
- religion and belief in control
- no science and technology
- no government
- poor communication
- public health
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