Preconceptual care
- Created by: reneesimba
- Created on: 03-04-18 13:16
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- Pre- Conceptual Health and Care
- Factors to consider
- Maturity: Couples need to be able to make good decisions for their child
- Financial Support:In order to maintain an adequate standard of living finances need to be planned in advance
- Accommodation: A child needs to be provided with a clean,safe, warm and secure home
- Changing Lifestyles: Couple need to consider roles of each of them and be aware of more lifestyles.e.g less money available, career break, loss of freedom
- Choosing to have a baby
- Advantages of planning a baby:
- Ready to accept the responsibilities of parenthood.
- Able to space out of the arrival of each child
- In a stable, mature relationship
- Advantages of planning a baby:
- Main factors in pre conceptual care
- Good Diet
- Not to be overweight
- Be as healthy as possible
- Giving up alcohol and smoking
- Have genetic counselling and if any severity there is option of termination
- Inherited diseases are some like e,g cystic fibrosis, haemophilia- blood fails to clot sickle cell anaemia- disorder affecting blood cells, muscular dystrophy- weakened bones
- Folic Acid must be taken and helps prevent spina bofida
- Factors to consider
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