Pre 1900 poetry typicality
- Created by: abbiethompson2002
- Created on: 30-03-21 15:05
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- 19th century love literature typicality
- Ideology of separate spheres
- Womenas angels of the house
- She walks in beauty
- Centrality of marriage
- At an Inn
- Womenas angels of the house
- Preoccupation with death / loss / mourning
- Remember
- Increasing female emancipation with first wave feminism / suffrage movements
- The ruined maid
- The Gothic Tradition and women who subvert the Victorian ideal
- La Belle Dame
- Nom Som Qualis
- The Fallen Women
- Reputation and scandal
- At an Inn
- The Ruined Maid
- Sexual double standards
- The Ruined Maid
- Sexual desire in women's unnatural
- Women disgraced by premarital sex
- At an Inn
- The 18th century 'rake man'
- Reputation and scandal
- Ideology of separate spheres
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