AQA AS Geography: Population
- Created by: Jude Booth
- Created on: 19-12-13 15:44
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- Population
- The DTM advantages & limitations
- Advantages: General view of pop. change over time
- Advantage: can judge a country's position and forecast future change
- Based on the UK so might not be valid worldwide
- Stage 5 had to be added
- Doesn't consider factors such as role of women, education, and religious customs, migration
- Extreme poverty may prevent a country moving through all stages
- Doesn't consider pop. policies, disease, civil war
- Suggests countries move at the same pace and only move forward
- Ageing populations
- Social: pressure on public services ie hospitals, carers
- Social: unequal distribution of elderly, ie Eastbourne - inadequate facilities for youth
- Social: Reduction in birth rate
- Social: people may need to work longer to build up personal pension
- Economic: reduced work force
- EconomicL increased taxes to pay for pensions
- Economic: the elderly will spend the 'grey pound'
- Management
- Encourage large families eg Swedish Gov. giving 18 months paid leave
- Raise retirement age
- Encourage immigration of working age people
- 16% of UK pop. were over 65 (2005)
- due to: increased life expectancy, baby booms 1940/60 and falling birth rate
- Pressure on pension system, elderly living in poverty, pressure on health service
- retirement age will be increase to 68 by 2050
- Unlimited immigration of countries within EU
- Encounrage women to have children - women wont lose out on pensions if they have children
- Youthful population
- Social: greater deman for services ie schools and childcare
- Social: rapid poulation growth when children reach reproductive age
- Management
- Control birth rate eh China One Child policy prevented 300 million births
- Limit immigration of reproductive aged people
- Encourage family planning and contraception
- Too few jobs for the youth - more need for gov. support
- Increased poverty as children are born into poor families
- Urban and rural
- Inner City to Rural area
- Housing: densely packed terraces to larger privately owned
- Higher proportion of ethnic minorities in inner city
- More youth in inner, more elderly in rural
- Wealth increases as you move out of the city
- Proportaion employed in tertiary sector increase as you move out
- Services decrease as you move out
- Four areas in preston. Fishwick, Ashton, Lea, Longton
- 60.5% privately owned houses in F 92.7% in Lo
- 66.5% white in F, 99.2% white in Lo
- 15.7% in pro/management sector in F 30.7 in Lo
- Links to social welfare, ie general health, crime rates, education, debt
- Four areas in preston. Fishwick, Ashton, Lea, Longton
- Inner City to Rural area
- The DTM advantages & limitations
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