POPP2406 Week 3
- Created by: Elizbooks
- Created on: 09-05-22 15:15
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- POPP2406 Week 3
- Regulation
- State started to lose its power due to capitalism
- Increased regulation and regulatory power to control the capitalist system
- Grew during the Industrial Revolution
- Previous regulatory systems failed to fix the problems of workers which created trade unions
- The state responded to this pressure by creating new procedures and regulatory bodies e.g. factory inspections, general board of health
- Previous regulatory systems failed to fix the problems of workers which created trade unions
- Grew during the Industrial Revolution
- Increased regulation and regulatory power to control the capitalist system
- Politics
- Free market system does not last long and there must be regulatory powers for capitalism to surive
- Different actors will influence the regulatory system to suit their own interests
- e.g. companies prefer regulatory bodies that offers opportunities, incentives and promotes investment
- History
- During the "neoliberal revolution" regulation increased
- Privatisation + marketisation encourages regulation
- Privatisation increases regulatory power as bodies need to monitor business activity
- Privatisation + marketisation encourages regulation
- However due to market-expanding regulatory power increasing, business power increases too which means the power of the gov reduces which may make the control of capitalism more difficult
- During the "neoliberal revolution" regulation increased
- History
- Graeber (2014) argues that the more economic expansion, the more you need to state institutions
- State started to lose its power due to capitalism
- Regulation
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