Polymers and Life
- Created by: saskialee1
- Created on: 03-06-18 14:01
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- Polymers and Life
- amines
- amides
- hydrolysis
- amines
- amides
- hydrolysis
- esters
- polyesters
- carboxylic acids
- phenol
- Polymers and Life
- DNA and RNA
- replication
- transcription
- translation
- structure
- replication
- factors that affect enzyme action
- temperature
- pH
- rate vs conc. graph
- inhibitors reduce enzyme action
- enzymes
- proteins
- enzymes
- paper chromatography
- peptide links
- amino acids
- acid-base properties
- zwitterions
- optical isomerism
- acid-base properties
- instrumental methods
- NMR spectrocopy
- carbon-13 NMR
- splitting patterns
- high resolution mass spectrometry
- structure of organic molecules
- relative atomic mass
- NMR spectrocopy
- DNA and RNA
- esters
- hydrolysis
- polyamides
- nylon
- amides
- esters
- polyesters
- carboxylic acids
- phenol
- amines
- hydrolysis
- polyamides
- nylon
- amides
- DNA and RNA
- replication
- transcription
- translation
- structure
- replication
- factors that affect enzyme action
- temperature
- pH
- rate vs conc. graph
- inhibitors reduce enzyme action
- proteins
- paper chromatography
- peptide links
- amino acids
- acid-base properties
- zwitterions
- optical isomerism
- acid-base properties
- instrumental methods
- NMR spectrocopy
- carbon-13 NMR
- splitting patterns
- high resolution mass spectrometry
- structure of organic molecules
- relative atomic mass
- NMR spectrocopy
- amines
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