Long Parliament 1640-1642
- Created by: M4nny
- Created on: 21-06-17 20:32
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- Long Parliament 1640-1642
- Parl radicalism development
- Connection between Parl & London Mob: spread influence & +es pressure on king eg Root & Branch
- Grand Remo: overview of Ch's reign: blamed evil advisers, corrupt bishops for troubles in Kingdom & presented constitutional change: Exclusion Bill
- Miscalculation:159 votes to 148 = Pyrrhic Victory & showed the divisions in Parl
- Tradition: open criticism of King which seen as dangerous & destabilize country
- Popular Radicalism: St Thomas riot after Protestation Oath, rails burned an pulled down, priests threatened w/ bodily harm
- Pym's personality & aims
- Army Plot: Ch's plan use force to reverse Parl leg & April rumors Ch's moving army back north, & use army to get Stafford out of Tower Of London & army went there as well & HM in negotiation w/ Catholic powers
- Significance May 1641: Protestation Oath 6th May, 10 May Triennial Act, Bill Of Attainder 12 May, Bedford RIP
- Protestation Oath: Ch's gave royal assent & show loyalty too faith & for office holders & magistrates but 1642 oath to all Males in ENG & WAL
- Personality: appropriate, serious, straightfwd, respectful, understood affections of Kingdom, speech effective, poor people skills
- Aims: King's finances, restore religion like JI, consensus
- Conflicts between Crown & Parl
- Failure negotiate between King & Parl (incl Army Plot)
- Bedford's Bridge Appts
- Execution of Stafford & Political consequences
- Bill Of Attainder: intro into Commons, voted in Lords, Lords agree traitor w/o proof, King give assent to make bill into Act.
- The Trial: cos gonna bring IRE army to ENG. 2 reasons: 1) w/o 'evil counselors' ch's need accept reform & rule w/ Parl & 2) not alter entire system but get rid of 'evil counselors' & replace them w/ Pym & Bedford
- Failure negotiate between King & Parl (incl Army Plot)
- Political Nation 1640
- Strengths & Weaknesses of Charles I
- Resources from 3 Kingdoms: IRE profitable means able to help w/ war against Scot & Stafford do same w/ ENG parl
- Censorship Press still had command what was being produced against him even though verge of collapse
- Authority FP: allowed Ch's to get ehlp from King of Spain w/o Parl consult
- Command of army means deploy army whenever so not challenged from commanders e.g Lord Holland fiasco
- Supremacy in legal System used for his own means like arresting Pym, Hampden, Warwick, brooke & Saye & Sele but released cos no evidence w/ Scots
- Support in HofL as power in Lords not commons by 1640 & wealth & status relied on King
- Fatal weaknesses: Words, actions, PR alienate & unite parl to abolish abuses, not handle debates, heavy rely on local gov't, no consensus, SM drop = Bridge Appts by Earl of Bedford
- Determined & effective ministers: Laud & Wentworth = conformity & IRE profitable & under command never achieved before w/ other Monarchs
- Strengths & Weaknesses of Parl opposition
- Quality of Intellects as many from Commons ed, intell & professional men
- Interconnection= opposition networks existed in 1620s and 16030s but shown and did more 1640's incl Puritan Network & discuss critics of King
- Political support from Londoners: vocal in demands e.g Root & Branch petition = do not use lower down ppl
- Unity of Purpose & share same goals in both houses: 1) stop abuses of PR & 2) revive relationship between King & country rep Parl
- Sources of Divisions
- Bridge Appointments workable financial settlement in return for reg parl = abolish PR = Bedford,, Saye & Sele, Essex etc appted in Privy Council but Bedford dead = collapse = relations down hill
- Root & Branch Petition: 30,00 sigs: root out episcopacy & abolish Catholics from London, remove Laud influence, have 'true reformed Protestant religion' but so divisive & passed 139:108
- Exclusion Bill: Feb 1641 Lords accepted Bill cos pressure outside = -esed King influence
- Triennial Act: Feb 1641 proposed SM stop w/o parl consent, call parl every 3 yrs, failed ^ then Lord Chancellor call parl auto, ensure OR never again
- Strengths & Weaknesses of Charles I
- The Slide into War
- Attempt impose royal authority & Royalist Party develop
- Constitutional Royalism = support King= to protect constitutional monarchy & so Parl doesn't do more radical damage cos should keep to traditions & common practise
- Fear Disorder = Support King= religious & political disorder mainly cos of London Mob terrifying & King can put order & stability
- Religious Moderation = Support King= gr8er uniformity w/ Puritans/ Parl than Catholics but religion became divide after Root & Branch Petition as it was 'unholy ideas of those who would like to break the church apart' - CH'S
- Failure negotiate between King & Parl: 19 Propositions
- Slide into War: did not want to go to war but Parl not willing to settle to negotiate no other choice & gained support & King raised standard in Nottingham Aug 1642
- Military preps for war: HM started to sell of jewelry to to others on black market but no wanted it cos they didn't want to have to give it back after war. Called for European help e.g Fredrick Henry, Prince of Organe
- Local Greivances
- Leadership: Due to local Mp it could force that region to be on a particular side E.G East Anglican ENG royalist but as soon as Oliver Cromwell in power all Parl
- Individual rivalries: some took sides because of their circumstance E.G. Sir John Hotham
- Neutralism: growing force cos no one civil war and hard to choose. It goes against some's morals
- Geography: North & West Royalist & South & East Puritan
- Religion: Catholics would support the King and Puritans would support Parl
- Employment: where you work can determine who you fight for. E.G.: city corporation = parl & local gentry force farmers to support King but independent traders choose for self
- Failed arrest of 5 Mps
- Impeachment proceedings: 29 Dec Lords accepted Commons vote on impeachment of Bishops = weaken support for Ch's = Ch's issued impeachment= Pym, Hampden, Denzil Holles, Sir Arthur Haselrig, William Strode= Ch's forced way in Parl w/ 300 guards but someone told ^ that Ch's coming to arrest them = fail
- Aftermath: London Mob entered the streets & started to riot = Ch's escorted safely but nxt night false alarm that Ch's advancing on city w/ 1500 cavalry men = women built barricades w/ stools & tubs, gates shut = Ch's worried = moved fam out of Whitehall - Hampton Court Palace - Europe & Ch's took palace to York = lost phy connection w/ Capital when he left & negotiation difficult w/ Parl
- Impact of IRE events: Control Catholicism put Protestants in Ulster during Eliz & James. Reassert Catholic authority by killing Protestants in Ulster- Bloodshed
- 1) Constitutional Reform: IRE wanted reform like SCOT cos hated Wentworth's policy cos no movement & knew Parl put out anti- Catholicism
- 2) Vengeance: families been evicted for protestants & cos 30 yrs solders came back = chaos = massacre of 2000-200,000
- Significance of Irish Rebellion: Army should be sent who had control over army cos if King then King use against Parl = Milita Bill
- Militia Bill: removed King's power to call & Parl has right to call army commanders but heated & intense debates sparked cos of this= royalist and Parl
- Militia Ordinance: Parl put self in charge of Army &make law w/o King assent & £400,000 support throu SM
- Militia Bill: removed King's power to call & Parl has right to call army commanders but heated & intense debates sparked cos of this= royalist and Parl
- Attempt impose royal authority & Royalist Party develop
- Other Laws
- Removal of Prerogative courts
- Imprisonment of Laud
- Parl radicalism development
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