political ideology
- Created by: Chantelle..
- Created on: 18-11-18 09:32
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- political ideology
- guiding set of core political and economic and social beliefs or values
- important in debates
- ideological differences
- don't explain all political disagreements
- British political ideologies
- tied closely to circumstances
- can change
- basic core principles stay the same
- parties don't always stick to ideological traditions
- most important ideological groups
- classical liberals
- new liberals
- social democrats
- thatcherism
- revival of classical liberalism
- dominated modern conservatism party
- since failure of new liberal/social democratic consensus
- modern conservatism is opposite of thatcherism
- strong support for radical change
- fixation of individual
- love of liberty
- hostility towards welfare state
- hostility towards unions
- guiding set of core political and economic and social beliefs or values
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