Political Developments and Conflicts Pt.1
- Created by: Gabriellagraxe
- Created on: 22-05-23 17:43
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- Political Developments and Conflicts Pt1
- Exclusion Crisis
- 1681, Charles here overcame the exclusion of James Duke of York by Whigs.
- Increasingly established himself as an independent monarch.
- Underpinning of the crisis was the fear of catholacism and absolutism.
- 1669 James Catholicism was public knowledge.
- Charles II King, had no legitimate children, meaning the crown would be passed to him.
- Popish Plot
- 1678
- Rumours of the plot were based on Titus Oates fabrication of a jesuit plan to assassinate Charles II so James II could immediately be king.
- People believed Oates because of the hysterical anti-catholacism.
- This was made worse by the french expansion plan who the english saw as aiming at world domination and an empire.
- People believed Oates because of the hysterical anti-catholacism.
- Plot would allegedly be supported by an invasion from France and a Catholic Rebellion in Ireland.
- Accelerated the exclusion Crisis.
- First Exclusion Parliament, March- May 1679
- Heightened fear of absolutism and Catholicism meant that the new parliament was a very different body to the cavalier parliament.
- Took measure to try and secure its freedom.
- 1) Granted £200,000 to disband Charles II's standing army during peace time.
- 2) Secured Habeus Corpus Amendment Act in May 1679
- Wanted to protect the subject in case of a catholic heir, rather than directly exclude James from the throne.
- 30th April Charles had to promise some limitations on a catholic monarch.
- 1) No church Patronage.
- 2) Parliament to have power of appointment over civil, legal and military offices.
- End of the first Exclusion Parliament.
- Late August 1679 Charles became seriously ill. Made exclusion conversation more heated.
- Charles remodelled his Privy council and sent men to Scotland to re order the politics.
- Removal of opponents and replaced them with younger advisors.
- Purges of country commissions of peace, which put local power in the hands of loyalists.
- Exclusion Crisis
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