
  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 17-02-14 10:38
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  • Pioneers
    • Pull Factors
      • It sounded as if it was paradise on Earth, according to the trappers as they said the sun always shone and fruit grew everywhere in California.
      • The trappers said that there was a never-ending supply of furs, never-ending rivers full of fish and land perfect for farming. - Oregon.
      • In the early 1840s reports began to make their way back to the East about how wonderful the far West was.
        • Some of these were from missionaries who wanted more people to come and help them convert the Indians to Christianity; others came from people who were hoping to make money from new settlers.
      • If people built a house and cleared the trees on a piece of land, they could buy the land for a cheaper price. This was allowed by the 1842 Pre-emption Bill that was passed by government.
    • Push Factors
      • In 1837 the US was hit by an economic depression. In the East, banks collapsed and people lost their savings, wages were cut by 40% and unemployment grew. In 1839, 20,000 unemployed people demonstrated in Philadelphia.
      • Farmers in the Mississippi valley faced ruin because the price of the wheat and corn they grew had collapsed. They began to wonder about going West, as things couldn't get any worse.
      • Some farmers began to feel crowded.
    • Dangers faced
      • Buffalo stampedes.
      • Food shortages
      • The collapsing of wagons
      • River crossings
      • Weather
        • Rotting of food
      • Rotting of food
      • Mud
      • Steep Hills
      • Accidents
      • Disease
      • Indian attacks
      • Bad winters


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