AQA Physics P1
The basics of P1 - Information from the AQA specification
- Created by: AstonC99
- Created on: 15-12-14 16:51
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- Physics P1
- Heat
- Infared Radiation
- Everything emits and absorbs infared raditation
- Matt Black- Best absorber and emmiter
- Shiny silver, Best reflector.
- Conduction
- Happens in Solids and Liquids
- Particles vibrate and cause collisions with other particles transferring heat
- Happens in Solids and Liquids
- Convection
- When heated particles move to a cooler area taking heat with them
- What affects the rate of emmiting
- Larger surface area
- A larger difference between the air and the object
- Insulators
- Fiberglass, foam filled cavity walls
- U-Value
- How good an insulator an object is
- Lower U-Value = better insulator
- Specific heat capacity
- Amount of energy need to heat object by 1 degree
- Energy (J) = Mass (G) x Specific heat capacity (C, J/Kg) x Temperature change (Epilision, Degrees)
- Energy (J) = Power (Watts, W) x Time ( Seconds, s)
- Efficiency
- Amount of energy useful over used
- Used energy / total energy
- Can be shown on a sankey diagram
- Waste energy
- Transfered to surroundings
- "Destroyed"
- Infared Radiation
- Generating energy and distribution
- Ways of generating
- Renewable
- Water, Wind , Tidal, Hydroelectric, Solar
- Things to mention
- When can they be used(E.g At night , only in sun, only in wind...)
- Noise, Sight pollution
- Things to mention
- Water, Wind , Tidal, Hydroelectric, Solar
- Non-renewable
- Coal, Oil, Gas
- Releases Coal- C02, S02 Oil- C02
- Can't be used again
- Coal, Oil, Gas
- Power stations
- 1. Steam from heat released from burning fuel turns turbine. 2. Turbine turns generator, 3. Generator creates electricity 4. Generator sent to national grid
- Nuclear
- Uranium, Plutonium
- Takes a lot to get rid of the waste
- Untitled
- Takes a lot to get rid of the waste
- Uranium, Plutonium
- Renewable
- Untitled
- National grid
- Step up transformers = + voltage and less current = less energy lost
- Step down= So electricity can be used by appliances
- Step up transformers = + voltage and less current = less energy lost
- Ways of generating
- Waves
- Transverse
- Light and electromagenetic spectrum
- Gamma, X-Ray, Ultraviolet, Visible, Infared, Microwave, Radio Wave
- ----------------->> Increase in wavelength
- Untitled
- ----------------->> Increase in wavelength
- Gamma, X-Ray, Ultraviolet, Visible, Infared, Microwave, Radio Wave
- Energy transfer perpendicular to direction of movement
- Light and electromagenetic spectrum
- Longitudinal
- Uses compression and rarefraction
- Sound
- Transfer of energy parraele
- Uses compression and rarefraction
- Transverse
- Heat
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