Physics: 1a
- Created by: Ridha Ahmed
- Created on: 28-10-14 18:12
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- Physics: 1a
- Infrared Radiation
- objects hotter than surroundings, emit more radiation
- objects cooler, absorb more radiation
- dark, matt surfaces absorb more radiation in a given time
- light, shiny surfaces reflect radiation
- objects hotter than surroundings, emit more radiation
- Conduction
- mainly occurs in solids
- vibrating particles pass on extra kinetic energy to neighbouring particles.
- faster in dense materials; particles are closely packed
- materials with large gaps between particles areinsulators
- metals conduct well due to free electrons
- Convection
- only occurs in liquids and gases
- when more energetic particles move from hot to cold region
- take heat energy with them
- Condensation
- when a gas cools, the particles have less kinetic energy
- attractive forces pull the particle closer together
- making the gas a liquid
- Infrared Radiation
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