WJEC Physics Ph1 Topic Mind Map
A little mind map to outline the Key points in PH1.
- Created by: Cai
- Created on: 19-05-13 14:43
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- Ph1
- 1.1 Basic Physics
- Units and Dimensions
- P=m/V
- p
- Density = Mass/Volume
- P=m/V
- Scalar and vector quantities
- Force
- F=Ma
- 'F' stands for the Resultant Force
- F=Ma
- Free body Diagrams
- Movements and Stability
- Equilibrium
- Units and Dimensions
- 1.2Kinematics
- Rectilinear Motion
- 1.3 Energy Concepts
- Work
- Power
- Energy
- 1.4 Conduction of electricity
- Electric Charge
- Electric Current
- Nature of Charge carriers in conductors
- 1.5 Resistance
- Relationships between current and potential difference
- Resistance
- Variation of resistance with temperature for metals
- Super-conductivity
- Heating effect on an electric current
- Resisitivity
- 1.6 DC circuits
- Series and parallel circuits
- Combination of resistors
- Internal Resistance of a Cell
- Potential Dividers
- 1.1 Basic Physics
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