Physical activity
- Created by: BenjaminMullins
- Created on: 27-05-15 10:56
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- Physical activity
- Participation in physcial activity
- The focus is on physical activity as a necessary experience for the development of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle.
- This is a wider concept than physical activity as a recreational and sporting experience.
- It is a life time commitment, which involves healthy attitudes in all walks of life, both work and leisure, for all ages.
- Physical activity
- Physical activity is taken to be gross motor movement, where major parts of the body are highly active. It is a necessary feature of modern society.
- Valuable in itself, but important as part of the broader concept of having a healthy lifestyle.
- The focus is to link a healthy lifestyle with physical exercise as it should exist in physical and outdoor recreation and education + various levels of sport.
- Physical activity is taken to be gross motor movement, where major parts of the body are highly active. It is a necessary feature of modern society.
- Physical exercise
- Physical exercise describes human activity in which the body, or parts of the body are moved vigorously.
- The sedentary nature of modern life fails to give us the physical activity our bodies need for a long and active life.
- The causes are the increased availability of transport, as opposed to the need to walk or run, the widening availability of non-exercise based recreational activities such as games.
- To achieve the benefits of physical exercise, recommendations by leading authorities emphasise the values of:
- Regularity, for example a minimum of exercise three times per week, 20 minute duration.
- With a degree of intensity sufficient to raise the pulse and breathing rates to 70% maximum.
- The intention of sustaining this improved condition, thus promoting long-term health.
- Giving the individual a more balanced attitude towards personal fitness.
- For these reasons, lifetime sport or life-long physical activity are valuable goals in life, enabling people to live longer with fewer health complications and with a greater enjoyment of a full and active life.
- Obesity
- Inactivity and bad eating habits have led to the problem of obesity in our society, particularly as it affects young people and individuals.
- Parents, schools and the media must take there share of the blame.
- In the case of children, physical activity is the result of:
- Constant car use
- Limited physical education on the curriculum.
- The discouragement of vigorous play activities in the playground.
- Many cases of school fields being sold off or not being fully utilised.
- Participation in physcial activity
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