Phobias Mid unit
- Created by: Laurenkeep
- Created on: 05-02-15 09:08
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- Explain the issues associated with the classification and/or diagnosis of phobic disorders
- Validity means truth
- All people with similar disorders should be categorised the same
- Comorbidity- two or more conditions occur
- Concurrent- correlating new ways or measuring phobias with existing ones
- Construct- Does the test really measure the symptoms?
- All people with similar disorders should be categorised the same
- Reliability means the same outcome
- inter-rater reliability- to independent tests should provide the same result
- Test-retest reliability- whether the tests are consistent
- SCID scale and questionnaires
- SKYRE- got people to interview patients using the SCID, same outcomes- RELIABLE
- HILLER- used test retest with the MDC and reported it is successful still
- Validity means truth
- Outline and evaluate biological explanations
- A01- we inherit an oversensitive fear response therefore causes us to have high levels of arousal and increased adrenaline
- Family studies- if someone suffers from a phobia in your family it increases the chnaces of you suffering from one too
- SOLYOM- 45% of phobic disorders had a relative with the disorder
- Twin studies- similarity of phobias between twins
- TORGESON- compared MZ and DZ twins where one had an anxiety disorder. More common in identical twins
- PREPARDENESS- innate readiness to learn about dangerous things- biologically prepared to learn fears and their stimuli's
- The diathesis stress model- Genetic inheritance cna cause early expereinces however environmental stressors can cause trauma as well
- PREPARDENESS- innate readiness to learn about dangerous things- biologically prepared to learn fears and their stimuli's
- TORGESON- compared MZ and DZ twins where one had an anxiety disorder. More common in identical twins
- Family studies- if someone suffers from a phobia in your family it increases the chnaces of you suffering from one too
- A02
- Not solely genetic- Environmental factors- Diathesis stress model
- Benett/levey study- questionnaire- social desireabilty
- KAGAN supports- children with behavioural inhibition born to withdraw from certain objects
- Brain scanning- dopamine is low within patients with Social phobias
- Not solely genetic- Environmental factors- Diathesis stress model
- A01- we inherit an oversensitive fear response therefore causes us to have high levels of arousal and increased adrenaline
- Clinical characteristics of phobic disorders
- Agrophobia- anxiety about being in places you can't escape
- 2.7% of the population suffer from it
- shopping malls
- women twice as likely to suffer
- Early adulthood onset
- fear of dying or loosing control
- 2.7% of the population suffer from it
- Specific phobias- intense rational fear about object or situation
- most common in women
- 12% of the population experience it
- Injections
- 4 main types
- Social phobias- excessive and persistent fear
- 12% westernised population experience it
- 3:2 ratio (women and men)
- eating in public
- Late childhood
- anxiety attacks
- Diagnostic criteria
- persistent or excessive.
- produce anxiety response
- recognized as by the person that it is unreasonable
- The avoidance of the fearful thing
- 18 or younger has to occur more than for 6 months
- persistent or excessive.
- Agrophobia- anxiety about being in places you can't escape
- Evolutionary approach
- Prepotency- Once we experience something that happened in a negative way we wont do it agian
- Prepardenss- we want to learn about dangerous situations
- SUPPORT- ohman- conditioned fears into people using electric shocks
- Ancient fears- our ancestors had morre fearful things to be afraid of whereas fears today havent been around longer enough to be adapted too.
- Cultural differences- different phobias
- SUPPORT- ohman/ soars- masked feared pictures of animals to two groups
- Prepardenss- we want to learn about dangerous situations
- Prepotency- Once we experience something that happened in a negative way we wont do it agian
- Psychological Explanations
- Psychodynamic, behaviourist and cognitive
- The idea that our ID and Ego cause anxiety through our suppressed thoughts
- Little Hans- 5 year old little boy who was scared of white horses as they resembled his father
- lacks objectivity- interpreted in ways it would match Freud evidence- "don't trot away from me"
- Ungeneralisable as it is a case study
- Bowlby- agoraphobia often occurs in people with family conflicts like little hans with his father
- Little Hans- 5 year old little boy who was scared of white horses as they resembled his father
- We learn phobias through classical and operant conditioning
- Little albert- Baby conditioned to be scared of white rats by waton and rayner
- Social learning theory links with behaviorists because we are learning to observe other peoples phobias from their behaviour when we are younger
- Bandura
- Watson and rayners study was unethial as they mentally scarred the child
- Ungeneraliable as it was a cae stuy on one baby
- Waton and rayners experiement can explain how we can learn fear through conditioning
- Social learning theory links with behaviorists because we are learning to observe other peoples phobias from their behaviour when we are younger
- Little albert- Baby conditioned to be scared of white rats by waton and rayner
- We get phobic disorders because we develop negative thinking towards the problem or object our thoughts are just interpretations of esisting experiences
- Dysfunctional beliefs- overestimating hat the risks could be of a certain situation
- Sociocultural explanations-different attitudes within cultures can determine the outcome of cetain phobias
- The idea that our ID and Ego cause anxiety through our suppressed thoughts
- Psychodynamic, behaviourist and cognitive
- Explain the issues associated with the classification and/or diagnosis of phobic disorders
- Evaluation for reliability and validity- Kendler study of face to face telepohne interviews
- Bennett-levy and marteau- Many of the childrens parents had the same phobias as the same sorts of animals. Found this through questionnaire and informal interviews
- TORGESON- compared MZ and DZ twins where one had an anxiety disorder. More common in identical twins
- PREPARDENESS- innate readiness to learn about dangerous things- biologically prepared to learn fears and their stimuli's
- The diathesis stress model- Genetic inheritance cna cause early expereinces however environmental stressors can cause trauma as well
- PREPARDENESS- innate readiness to learn about dangerous things- biologically prepared to learn fears and their stimuli's
- Prepotency- Once we experience something that happened in a negative way we wont do it agian
- Prepardenss- we want to learn about dangerous situations
- SUPPORT- ohman- conditioned fears into people using electric shocks
- Ancient fears- our ancestors had morre fearful things to be afraid of whereas fears today havent been around longer enough to be adapted too.
- Cultural differences- different phobias
- SUPPORT- ohman/ soars- masked feared pictures of animals to two groups
- Prepardenss- we want to learn about dangerous situations
- Biological treatments
- Psychosurgery
- Systematic desentisation
- Drugs
- A02
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