Philosophy AS
- Created by: sophiehackett.x
- Created on: 14-12-17 11:15
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- Arguments for the existence of God
- William Paley
- Design Argument
- Solar System: Orbit without colliding
- Watchmaker Analogy: watch must have a maker like the universe.
- Breastfeeding pigs: same amount of piglets as teats.
- anthropomorphize's God.
- David Hume
- we have evolved and have life experience.
- all things naturally made.
- No God man created chaos.
- if there is an omnibenevolent God why are there bad things
- Design Argument
- David Hume
- Ontological argument
- Gaunilo
- Perfect island: 'On behalf of the fool'
- Anselm's argument is illogical.
- Kant
- Faith and reason
- Criticized the OA not Anselm's argument
- Believed we need experience to say something exists
- Cosmological argument
- Occum's razor
- Aquinas
- Galaxies are contingent
- Everything contingent has an external cause.
- Galaxies are contingent
- Criticisms
- Fallacy of composition
- The universe may be an existent being
- God being necessary is false logic
- Philosophy
- Natural Evil: Suffering caused by uncontrollable things.
- Definitions
- Moral Evil: suffering caused by man rejecting free-will and doing it themselves
- e.g. Murder, ****, cheating, sexual assault.
- Suffering: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional discomfort
- E.g. grief, denial, anger, guilt.
- Moral Evil: suffering caused by man rejecting free-will and doing it themselves
- E.g. Cancer, Tsunamis, Hurricanes
- Definitions
- Problems
- Logical Problem~ inconsistent triad. Only two can be true.
- Evidential Problem~ there is intense suffering which an omniscient omnipotent god could prevent.
- an omniscient being would prevent suffering. therefore it doesn't exist
- The example of the girl
- the example of the fawn.
- an omniscient being would prevent suffering. therefore it doesn't exist
- the example of the fawn.
- Responses
- Aquinas says God is infinitely good.
- God can be let off the hook with a technicality.
- Hick's soul- making theodicy
- God makes humans in his image and likeness.
- An image is almost as valuable as the real thing
- we develop virtues by experiencing things
- We need to have evil because then we wouldn't be free and evil would be indistinguishable
- Courage honor and love would be impossible without moral evil and we wouldn't have the ability to develop in God's likeness
- Evil and Suffering
- Strengths
- Solves Logical Problem
- Gives hope to Christians
- Say's we will be rewarded for the suffering we have experience.
- Says that we have an after life.
- Strengths
- Strengths
- Solves Logical Problem
- Gives hope to Christians
- Say's we will be rewarded for the suffering we have experience.
- Says that we have an after life.
- The Free Will Defense.
- Free Will is vital.
- Morality depends on freedom
- genuine free will hen there needs to be a genuine possibility for evil
- God is the most important being and he gave us free will.
- Morality depends on freedom
- we demonstrate free will daily.
- we would be robots without free will.
- Free Will is vital.
- Process Theodicy
- God didn't create the world ex nihilo.
- God is not transcendent
- God persuaded chaotic matter. He also persuaded us to act in a harmonious way.
- Genesis 1 is inaccurate
- when we suffer God suffers.
- Footprints poem
- God didn't create the world ex nihilo.
- Religious Experiences
- Religious experiences are where someone experiences a religious figure through revelation or encounter
- Numinous experiences
- Holy and direct from God~ Moses and the burning bush
- Outside of possible knowledge
- 'awe' and 'wonder'
- ineffable
- God may not be omnipotent. he is imminent and finite
- Mystical experiences
- when we die we have a union with the divine. In a higher universe
- God meets the person 'on the basis of their personal concerns'
- Mystical experiences
- Only the word of individual
- Some change their lifestyles
- Some are group experiences
- Swinburne says that we should believe people unless there are reasons not to.
- Verifying religious experiences
- Private experiences
- Just because they're private doesn't make them false.
- Dreams cannot be proved.
- Just because they're private doesn't make them false.
- Ineffable
- Difficult to compare.
- Can be described as religious if it fits description
- Contradictory
- Different interpretations
- Different ways of expressing it
- Rarity
- 30-40% have
- Range of general spiritual awareness to religious insights
- 30-40% have
- Freud
- 'religion is an illness'
- Oedipus complex
- RE's are hallucinations
- Teresa of Avila's experience was repressed sexuality.
- Hypothesis
- Ramachandran
- Neurologist concerned with TLE
- Experiment if people with TLE are prone to RE's
- TLE is called St.Paul's disease in Northern Ireland
- RE's are self-generated
- If God wants to give a RE Brain has to process.
- Persinger
- Cognitive Neuroscience researcher
- God helmet
- 900 people believed they had an RE.
- Drugs
- RE's have similar affects to hallucinogenic drugs.
- When parts of brain are stimulated you get higher levels of consciousness
- can be convinced that they've experienced God.
- The Religious believer would have no difficulty in accepting and receiving RE's can be generated through the mind
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