'Petals'- Saariaho- 1988
- Created by: Emily.Power
- Created on: 05-03-20 13:54
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- 'Petals' Saariaho 1988
- Harmony
- Cannot be analysed in terms of traditional vertical harmonic progressions
- Spectral analysis
- Timbre is vertical, and harmony as horizontal
- Melody
- Micro-tones and quarter tones
- Ben Johnson, 7th string quartet,1984
- First western use
- Ben Johnson, 7th string quartet,1984
- Chromatic-scale like passage
- Sequences
- Augmented 4th leaps
- Trills/ Mordents
- A general agitated character
- Falling idea based around elaborations and repetitions of a fixed set of pitches like a mode or scale
- Micro-tones and quarter tones
- Sonority
- Contrast between 'clean' and 'noisy' sounds
- Difference between the clearest harmonic and the rich scratching produced by the heaviest of bow pressures near the bridge
- Optional microphones
- Amplifictaion to bring out some of the timbral detail in the quieter sounds
- Reverb to sustain the sound
- Harmoniser effect is used to detune the input pitch
- Stockhausen, Mikrophonie, 1964
- Making inaudible sounds audible
- Tonality
- No formal sense of tonality
- Some notes have more prominence than others at certain points. This makes them act at the tonic
- repeated low C and high F# that conclude nearly every phrase becomes familiar to the ear
- Use of dyads to create a sense of resolution
- Structure
- Does not follow a conventional musical structure, or try to tell a narrative story
- Stravinsky, The Rite of Spring, 1923 used a representational structure
- Exploration between the tension of two different types of material
- A. Fragile colouristic passages
- B. More energetic events with clear melodic and rhythmic character
- Does not follow a conventional musical structure, or try to tell a narrative story
- Texture
- Hard to define the textures used conventionally
- Monophonic
- some elements are more straight-forward than others
- Two-part texture
- Pedal/drone texture
- Rhythm, Meter and Tempo
- Generally slow tempo
- Wide use of accelerandi and ritenuto
- Rossini Cresendo
- Wide use of accelerandi and ritenuto
- Dectuplets
- Agitated rhythms, involving syncopations within septuplets
- Grace notes
- Generally slow tempo
- Context
- An association with paintings of water lillies by Monet
- It is derived from a earlier composition called Nympheas
- Harmony
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