Persuasive Posters WW1
- Created by: SimranChahal
- Created on: 01-10-15 18:13
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- Persuasive Posters WW1
- Trying to persuade using emotive language/ thoughts getting child involved(or something precious).
- Sexist society as many poems show a weak women or female.
- Very simple colours usaully just 3.
- Emphasis on GREAT WAR.
- One poster suggested starting a new life (women opening door)
- Women is also floating which represents angle- hevean - death-war.
- Dark dull colours represent the the war. War was muddy, not bright
- Bright has positive connotations where as dull has negative connotations.
- War was dull - negative connotation on war.
- Bright has positive connotations where as dull has negative connotations.
- Oh! What a lovely war!
- Women were used to draw men in very sexual ways.
- British entertainment turned into enlistment
- Fake and false impressions because when men actually got enlisted they
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