Perspectives on criminal stats mindmap

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  • Perspectives on criminal stats
    • feminists
    • Positivist
    • Interpretive
    • feminists
    • feminists believe that crime stats dont reflect the amount of crimes commited against women such as sexual attacks and sexual violence. These often occur in a domestic setting where the police are reluctant to get involved. Also many women don't deel able to report these offences
  • Early sociological theories of crime and deviance esSaving pecially those influenced by functionalism such as Mertons were based on an uncritical acceptance of the acuracy of OCS
    • Positivist
  • Left realists
    • Perspectives on criminal stats
      • Interpretive
  • These sociologists accept that crime is a genuine problem especially for poorer groups in society crime stats can't simply be rejected as inacurate. Left realist favour detailed victim surveys in local area's they can reveal the basis for many peoples genuine fear of crime.
    • Left realists
    • UntThe "labelilng veiw" rejects the accuracy of crime stats. Instead it concentrates on understanding the way they are socially constructed.
      • Marxists
        • Marxists believe that law and its enforcement reflects the interests of the bourgeoisie. The crimes of the poor are strictly enforced and the immoral activities of the rich either ignored or not defined as criminals. Stats will reflect these inequalities and scape goating.
          • Marxists


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