Personality mindmap
- Created by: jamie ingrouille
- Created on: 09-05-13 15:52
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- Personality
- Trait
- Narrow Band
- Type A
- - Competitive, Like control, Work fast, Prone to stress
- Type B
- Non competitive, Work Slow, Dont like control, Less prone to Stress
- Type A
- Personality is Gentically inherited from parents genes
- Stable, enduring and consistent
- B=F(P)
- Personality Types
- Nuerotic
- -Unpredictable moods/emotions, High degree of stress, recover slowly from stress
- Introvert
- Shy,aroused quick, more sensitive RAS
- Stable
- Predictable moods/emotions, Low degree of stress, Recover fast from stress
- Extrovert
- Social,aroused slowly, low sensitivity to RAS
- Nuerotic
- Narrow Band
- Social Learning
- B=F(E)
- Behaviour is learnt
- Behaviour is immitated by vicarious experiences
- Behaviour aquired when endorsed by social reinforcement
- Behaviour is immitated by vicarious experiences
- Conditions that support SL
- Role model is powerful
- 'observed behaviour' is of a SO
- performer wants to adopt the norms
- Role model is same gender
- Interactionist
- B=F(PxE)
- Psychological core
- Most internal, ones true self, stable
- Typical responses
- Changeable, learned behaviours, modified by enviroment
- Role Related Behaviour
- Most external, most dynamic and changeable
- Combines trait and SL
- Personality is modified
- Behaviour is formed when GI traits are stimulated by enviroment
- Personality is modified
- Personality Profiling
- Proof
- Evidence
- Subjectivity
- Stereotype
- Modification
- Invalid
- Untitled
- Trait