PE AS OCR Types of Joint Mindmap

  • Created by: Ryan
  • Created on: 19-04-13 11:24
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  • PE Joints
    • Fibrous
      • No movement
      • Stable
      • Skull, coccyx
    • Synovial
      • Free movement
      • Least Stable
      • Ligament
        • Band of strong fibrous tissue, protecting bone to bone
      • Synovial Fluid
        • Slippery fluid, in joint cavity, reduce friction
      • Articular Cartilage
        • Smooth cartilage , that is spongy and covers bones, to act as a shock absorber
      • Joint Capsule
        • Tough tissue, two layers lying outside synovial memebrane
  • Elbow, Shoulder, Knee
    • Synovial
      • Free movement
      • Least Stable
      • Ligament
        • Band of strong fibrous tissue, protecting bone to bone
      • Synovial Fluid
        • Slippery fluid, in joint cavity, reduce friction
      • Articular Cartilage
        • Smooth cartilage , that is spongy and covers bones, to act as a shock absorber
      • Joint Capsule
        • Tough tissue, two layers lying outside synovial memebrane


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