- Created by: LeahRandall
- Created on: 27-06-20 16:19
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- Year 1 PE
- Characteristics of skill
- Skill continua
- Open-closed
- self-externally paced
- High-low organised
- Gross-Fine
- Discrete-serial-continious
- Simple-complex
- Transfer of learning
- Positive = when one skills enhances the learning of another skill
- Negative = when one skill impedes the learning of another
- Zero = no transfer at all
- Bilateral = skill is learned on one side of the body and the other side
- Practice
- Methods of practice
- Progressive part
- Strength
- Focus on specific aspects
- Understand skill
- Motivated = success
- Limitation
- Link with subroutines
- Time consuming
- Negative transer
- Practice first part + gradually add other parts to sequence
- Strength
- Whole part whole
- Strength
- Errors corrected + integrated successfully
- Motivation
- Fluent
- Practice each individual part of the skill + then whole adding to sequence
- Limitation
- Confusing
- Time consuming
- Negative transfer if sub routines aren't good
- Strength
- Whole
- Practicing a skill in its entirety
- Limitation
- Difficult to break down weakness
- Not appropriate for dangerous skills
- Demand + pressure on performer
- Demotivating
- Strength
- Realistic method = positive transfer
- consistancy
- Stored motor programme
- Saves time
- Progressive part
- Types of practice
- Variable
- Enables players to adapt to changes
- Strength
- Sub routines flow
- Builds schema
- Limitation
- Negative transfer
- Fatugue
- Pressure
- Distributed
- Distributed
- Strength
- Recovery
- Controlled progress
- Mental rehearsal + feedback
- Weakness
- Negative transfer
- Time consuming
- Mental
- Go through performance in your mind
- Strength
- Confie=dent
- Jurying injury
- Improve reaction time
- Limitation
- May not be used properly
- Massed
- Continuous with no rest
- Limitation
- Negative transfer
- Fatigue + boredom
- Highly demanding
- Strength
- Improve fitness
- Skills = automatic
- Good motor programme
- Variable
- Methods of practice
- Theories of Learning
- Stages
- Associative
- Cognitive
- Autonomous
- Plateau
- Causes ?
- Solutions ?
- Cognitive theory
- Insight learning = Gestalt
- Behaviourism
- Operant condidtioning= Skinner
- Observationallearning = Bandura
- Constructivism
- Social development theory - Vygotsky
- Stages
- Guidance and feedback
- Feedback
- Negative
- Positive
- intrinsic
- Extrinsic
- Guidance
- Verbal
- Visual
- Mechanical
- Manual
- Mechanical
- Visual
- Verbal
- Feedback
- Memory model
- Environment.Display. Sensory organs. Perceptual mechanism. Translatory mechanism. Effector mechanism. Muscular system output data. Feedback data.
- General information processing
- 1. Input
- 2. Senses = see, hear, touch, balance + kinaesthesia (proprioceptors)
- 3. Decision making (DCR) (STIM/LTM)
- 4. Selective attention = filter relevant from irrelevant info
- 5. Translatory mechanism (motor programme)
- 6. Output = Effector mechanism + feedback
- Baddeley + Hitch, Working Memory
- Central executive
- Phonological loop
- Visuospatial sketchpad
- Phonological loop
- Episodic buffer
- Central executive
- Whiting information processing model
- 1. Input
- 2. Receptor System
- 3. Perceptual mechanism (DCR)
- 4. Translatory mechanism
- 5. Effector Mechanism
- 6. Output
- 7. Feedback
- Reaction time = time taken from onset of stimulus to onset of response
- Movement time = Time taken to complete physical task
- Response time = time taken from onset of stimulus to completion of task
- Improving = Fitness/ Anticipation / mental practice / specific stimulus / concentration
- Hicks Law
- Single channel Hypothesis
- Psychologcalrefactory period
- Single channel Hypothesis
- Simple reaction
- Choice reaction
- Anticipation
- Temporal A = when something happens
- Spatial A = what going to happen
- Schmidts Schema theory 1982
- Recall schema
- Knowledge of initial conditions = senses identify important info
- Knowledge of response specification = info from display used to assess option judgement
- Recognition schema
- Sensory consequence= internal senses to guide movement
- Response outcome = Knowledge of results to guide movement
- Recall schema
- Characteristics of skill
- Musculo-skeletal system and analysis of movement
- frontal plane/sagittal axis
- Shoulder and hip (adduction and abduction).
- sagittal plane/transverse axis
- Shoulder and hip (flexion, extension and hyperextension)
- Elbow and knee (flexion and extension)
- Ankle (plantar flexion and dorsi flexion).
- Elbow and knee (flexion and extension)
- Shoulder and hip (flexion, extension and hyperextension)
- transverse plane/longitudinal axis.
- Shoulder and hip (horizontal abduction and adduction)
- Isotonic (concentric = shorting and eccentric = lengthening)
- Isometric = muscle under tension with no physical movement
- frontal plane/sagittal axis
- Respiratory system
- lung volumes
- Inspiratory reserve volume
- Expiratory reserve volume
- Tidal volume
- Residual volume
- Minute Ventilation
- Gas exchange in alveoli/ muscles
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Diffusion and partial pressures
- Neural and chemical + receptors regulation of pulmonary ventilation
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic. Carbon dioxide.
- Chemoreceptor, proprioceptor, baroreceptor.
- Smoking
- Irritation
- Narrowing + swelling
- Increase breathlessness
- Cilla damaged = mucus build up
- Carbon monoxide
- lung volumes
- Neuromuscular system
- Slow twitch (type I)
- High mitochondrial density
- Slow contraction speed
- High mitochondrial density
- Fast glycolytic (type IIx)
- High force production
- fatigue
- High force production
- Fast oxidative glycolytic (type IIa)
- medium capillary density
- Large motor neurone size
- medium capillary density
- Sympathetic = fight + flight
- Parasympathetic = Rest + Relax
- Muscle spindals
- Strech reflex
- Golgi tendon
- Motor
- Motor unit = motor neurone/ muscle fibre
- All or none law
- Wave summation = Repeated nerve impulses with no time to relax
- Spatial summation = Strength of contraction changes by altering size/no' of motor unit
- Tentanic C = sustained muscle contraction
- Slow twitch (type I)
- Cardiovascular system
- Heart disease, high blood pressure, effects of cholesterol (LDH,HDL), stroke
- cardiac output = the volume of blood per minute
- trained and untrained individuals, maximal and sub- maximal exercise
- hormonal, neural and chemical, receptor regulation
- Anticipatory rise
- Redistribution of blood (vascular shunting vasoconstriction, vasodilation).
- Cardiac conduction system (AVN,SAN)
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic.
- Chemoreceptor, proprioceptor, baroreceptor.
- Transportation of oxygen
- Haemoglobin
- Myoglobin
- Oxyhaemoglobin disassociation curve
- Occurs when 02 released tissue
- Bohr shift
- Increase = blood acidity, blood temp, CO2
- Causes O2 release + less Hb saturation
- Increase = blood acidity, blood temp, CO2
- Venous return
- Skeletal pump
- Respiratorypump
- Valves
- Gravity
- Smooth muscle
- Starling’s law
- Increase venous return, diastolic filling, cardiac stretched, strong contraction, ejection friction
- A-VO2 diff
- Difference between content of atrial + venous blood
- Achieved by warm up, aerobic training, increase temp
- Cardiovascular drift
- Occurs when HR increases at a steady state of exercise
- Energy systems
- Aerobic energy system (glycolosis, kreb/citric acid cycle, beta oxidation, electron transport chain)
- long duration/lower intensity exercise
- Oxygen consumption during exercise (maximal and submaximal oxygen deficit).
- Oxygen consumption during recovery (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption EPOC)
- long duration/lower intensity exercise
- Anaerobic energy systems (ATP-PC system, anaerobic glycolytic system)
- Short duration/high intensity exercise
- lactate accumulation, lactate threshold, OBLA, lactate producing capacity and sprint/power performance
- Short duration/high intensity exercise
- Energy continuum = diff sports use more then one system
- Measurements of energy expenditure
- Indirect calorimetry
- Lactate sampling
- VO2 max test
- Respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
- VO2 max test
- Lactate sampling
- Indirect calorimetry
- specialist training
- Altitude training
- Plyometrics
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
- Speed Agility Quickness SAQ
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
- Plyometrics
- Altitude training
- VO2 max
- Physio factors
- Age
- Lifestyle
- Body composition
- Gender
- Training
- Genetics
- Aerobic energy system (glycolosis, kreb/citric acid cycle, beta oxidation, electron transport chain)
- Musculo-skeletal system and analysis of movement
- Pre-industrial (pre-1780)
- Characteristics = popular recreation
- Rural
- Occasional
- Violent
- Limited riules
- Locally coded
- Wagering
- Society
- Rural
- Limited communications
- Two tear system
- Illiteracy
- Harsh
- Wendlock olympic games
- William penny brooks
- Organised + simple
- Local event + prize
- Annual
- Mixed class
- Popular rec
- Mob football
- Tennis (m/c)
- Bathing (lakes)
- Athletics
- Cricket
- Characteristics = popular recreation
- Industrial and post-industrial (1780–1900)
- Industrial revolution
- Strength
- Cheap travel
- Health/hygineimproved
- Sunday/Saturday/Wednesday off
- Factory act
- Athleticism
- Weakness
- Lack leisure (12hr shift)
- Poor wages
- Over crowding
- Loss of traditional sport
- Strength
- Urbanisation
- Time
- Money
- Health
- Migrating from rural - urban
- Triggered middle class + reform acts
- Church movement acts = clubs
- Factory Act = broken time payment
- Municipal reform act = public provision
- Edu reform acts
- Public Schools
- fagging
- Muscular christianity
- DR Thomas Arnold
- Rugby + inter house comps
- Athleticism
- Cambridge blue = given to elite + codified
- Cambridge Rule of football 1848
- British Empire
- Factory owners = International comps
- Diplomates
- Clergy = missionary
- Army
- Religion
- Church = teams + facilities
- Muscular christianity
- Christian values
- Social control
- NGB's
- M/C rules
- Affilliation
- Codification
- Make laws
- 5 R's = Rules, Regs, Respect, Religion, Reginal
- Amateur + Professionalism
- Morden day ammeter
- Post industrial Ametuer
- Morden day Professional
- Post industrial amateur
- Women in sport
- Tennis
- Lottie Dot (role model)
- Involved from beginning
- less vigorous
- Prize inequalities
- Athletics
- Used to be excluded
- Diamond league
- Wasnt in olympics till 1928 Amsterdam
- Football
- More clubs forming
- 53 countries have national teams
- Become socially acceptable
- Tennis
- Industrial revolution
- Post World War II (1950 to present)
- Commercialisation
- Golden triangle = Sport, Media, Business
- Sponsorship
- radio, TV, satellite, internet and social media
- Professional
- Entertainment
- Contracts = tv rights + merchandise
- Athletes as commodities
- Change of ammeter + professional
- Standardised rules
- Competitions in school + widerworld
- Increase media technology
- Amateur play for enjoyment
- Professionals play for winning (Lombardian ethic)
- Commercialisation
- Impact of sport on society and of society on sport
- Society
- Organised group of people associated fro some specific purpose or shaded interest
- Socialisation
- Life long process where members of society learn norms and values in order to take place in society
- Primary = childhood
- Secondary = Edu + clubs
- Life long process where members of society learn norms and values in order to take place in society
- Social controll
- Concept refers to the way in which people thoughts, feelings + appearance are regulated
- Social issues (causes and consequences of inequality).
- Resources unequally divided
- Stereotype
- Gender inequality
- Racial inequality
- Social change
- Alteration to social oder of society
- Social stratification
- Social inequality where society id divided into diff levels based o n social characteristics like wealth
- Social action theory
- Individual/group behaviour involves organised interactions to social reform
- Stoped doping (cycling, Armstrong)
- Black power movement
- Under represented groups
- Gender
- Ethnic minority
- Disadvantaged
- Disability
- Barriers + solutions ??
- Prejudice
- Unfavourable opinion of an individual often based on inadequate facts
- Stereotype
- Simple generalisations about members of a group to treat accordingly
- Discrimination
- Society
- Sport England
- Sport E + National partners helped to increase participation at grass root + underrepresented groups
- Whole sport plans
- Bussiness plan outing to NGB'S strategies to grow participation
- Sport equals, Us girls, Get equipped, Street games
- Work with CSP'S (national local agencies0
- Funded by national lottery + Excheqer
- Pre-industrial (pre-1780)
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