Pastoral ideas
- Created by: Anyamomi
- Created on: 05-04-15 16:51
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- Pastoral themes
- Religion
- Edenic
- References to paradise or perfectness that is reflected in the story of eden
- May be used to reflect destruction and temptation such as in the fall of eden
- References to God,the church, and belief in general
- In Blake's Poetry he is very critical of the church and the influence it has on individuals
- Edenic
- Nostalgia
- Looking back on something with love and joy perhaps with a sense of loss or longing to regain something better
- Is sometimes more than a loss of just the physical changes of the countryside but also a loss of mental and emotional state - the growing complexity of society and the city provides a longing for a simpler easier time
- Countryside
- Clash between the rural and the urban- the rural is pure, happy and peaceful the urban is corrupt and source of problems
- The countryside often presents a freedom of innocence that is available due to lack of moderns technology and problems
- Can be used as an escape from a rapidly changing society
- Bucolic
- Clash between the rural and the urban- the rural is pure, happy and peaceful the urban is corrupt and source of problems
- Innocence
- Often uses chlildren to reflect the innocence of childhood and to contrast the pressure of experience
- Blake's Poetry often presents the misuse of children and the way society is neglecting them - he contrasts the stages of innocence and experience present a change and contrast of the two human states
- The countryside often presents a freedom of innocence that is available due to lack of moderns technology and problems
- The pastoral is a reflection of a simple and isolated life
- Countryside
- Clash between the rural and the urban- the rural is pure, happy and peaceful the urban is corrupt and source of problems
- Can be used as an escape from a rapidly changing society
- Bucolic
- Clash between the rural and the urban- the rural is pure, happy and peaceful the urban is corrupt and source of problems
- Countryside
- Often uses chlildren to reflect the innocence of childhood and to contrast the pressure of experience
- Paradise
- Edenic
- References to paradise or perfectness that is reflected in the story of eden
- May be used to reflect destruction and temptation such as in the fall of eden
- A mountainous range in Greece - In literature represents a pastoral paradise
- Edenic
- Cycles
- The idea of life and death - ageing and growing
- A way of representing the passing of time -the landscape suggests that time has moved on by showing the changes in the seasons and the accompanying weather/ physical appearance of flowers/animals etc.
- The idea of cycles also shows the repetition of country life - does anything really change? The characters may show change but the landscape still develops in the same cycle as always no matter what occurs in their lives - perhaps minimises the characters plight
- For example in Tess despite everything that happens to her life goes on, the seasons change the crops still grow everything moves on- offers a contrast between the people and the nature they live in
- Journeys
- Often the characters within pastoral literature undertake some sort of journey - This may be a symbolic or physical journey
- Emotional, mental, physical
- Retreat and Return
- Often the characters within pastoral literature undertake some sort of journey - This may be a symbolic or physical journey
- Love and Romance
- May not neccesarily be love or romance to a person but may be to an object/ state/ or situation
- Anti- Pastoral
- Opposite of pastoral ideals
- UnIdealised/ Harsh/ unattractive
- Emphasises Realism
- Problematic- reflects inequality/ tensions/ disorder
- Challenges the false constructions of pastoral literature
- DEFINTION= "portraying country life in a typically romanticised or idealised form.
- Religion
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