- Created by: ecotts
- Created on: 13-05-17 12:34
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- Partnerships
- Increase in cohabitation
- Decline in stigma
- 1989, only 44% of people agreed that premarital sex is not wrong.
- Changing position of women
- Increase career opportunities for women, mean they have more freedom and opt for cohabitation
- Secularisation
- Young people with no religion are more likely to cohabit that those with a religion
- Decline in stigma
- Relationship between Marriage and cohabitation
- Trial Marriage
- Many see cohabitation as a trial marriage and intend to marry if it goes well.
- It may be that some couples are awaiting a divorce
- Permante alternative
- For others cohabitation is a permanate alternative to marriage
- Cohabitions creates a more personally negated and equal relationship
- Shelton and John found women in cohabitation do less housework than married couples
- It means different things to different people
- Trial Marriage
- Increase in cohabitation
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