Particles Yr 7
- Created by: K Rawlinson
- Created on: 13-11-12 11:40
View mindmap
- Particles in Yr 7
- Diffusion
- Models
- What does it explain?
- What doesn't it explain?
- Gases
- Liquids
- Solids
- Gases
- Properties
- Model
- Separation
- Model
- Properties
- Model
- Separation
- Model
- Solids
- Solids
- Changes of State
- Forensics to show how separation of different materials is useful
- Mixtures
- Filtration
- Seiving
- Evapourating
- Chromatography
- Distilation
- Particles in Yr 7
- Diffusion
- Models
- What does it explain?
- What doesn't it explain?
- Liquids
- Changes of State
- Mixtures
- Forensics to show how separation of different materials is useful
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