Part three: Failure of Détente and the collapse of Communism (1970-91)
- Created by: Nayeema-A
- Created on: 14-03-14 08:54
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- Part three: Failure of Détente and the collapse of Communism (1970-91)
- Key Issue 1: Why did Détente collapse in the 1970's and 80's?
- Afghanistan
- Since the 50's the USSR had helped to modernise the country by building roads and pipelines for oil but not modernising too much as not to offend the citizens
- The Afghani people were very traditional and most were strict Muslims
- A civil war broke out due to reforms that went against the culture and traditions of the Afghan people
- They didn't like the new laws especially on how land was to be distributed and laws on marriage.
- A civil war broke out due to reforms that went against the culture and traditions of the Afghan people
- Advantages for the USSR
- The USSR got Oil and support from the Middle East
- Afghanistan had a lot of trade routes to the rest of the middle east and was close to the Arabian Sea with good trade with the West
- The USSR got Oil and support from the Middle East
- In 1973 the monarchy was over thrown and was soon replaced by a soviet backed government by 1978
- Advantages for the USSR
- Afghanistan had a lot of trade routes to the rest of the middle east and was close to the Arabian Sea with good trade with the West
- Afghanistan had a lot of trade routes to the rest of the middle east and was close to the Arabian Sea with good trade with the West
- Advantages for the USSR
- A civil war broke out due to reforms that went against the culture and traditions of the Afghan people
- They didn't like the new laws especially on how land was to be distributed and laws on marriage.
- The Afghani people were very traditional and most were strict Muslims
- The USSR was afraid the President Amin of Afghanistan was becoming too friendly with the West.
- Evidence is when he sought support from the USA, China and Pakistan.
- Also since he had taken control, he had slowly been eliminating opponents within the party, many of whom were Soviet supporters
- The Soviet Sphere of influence
- Preservation of the communist government which had appealed to the USSR for help
- A revolt in Iran had overthrown pro- American ruler and set us a Muslim Govt. This could spread to Afghanistan
- Evidence is when he sought support from the USA, China and Pakistan.
- The USSR was afraid the President Amin of Afghanistan was becoming too friendly with the West.
- President Carter's response
- Threatened the Soviets would pay the consequences for their actions
- In 1980, the general council of the UN voted 104 to 18 in favour of a resolution condemning the invasion
- Boycotted the Olympics
- Only 81 countries took part. Lowest since 1956
- Asked congress not to ratify the SALT II agreement
- Limiting the arms and weapons
- USSR gets the Moral high ground as a result
- Limiting the arms and weapons
- Condemned the invasion as an act of interference and a threat to World Peace
- Introduced the Carter Doctrine - sending troops to protect oil routes
- Threatened the Soviets would pay the consequences for their actions
- The Mujahedeen
- Muslim rebels who were fighting a "holy war"
- They fought in the open and were used to the mountains and so knew where to hide
- Since the 50's the USSR had helped to modernise the country by building roads and pipelines for oil but not modernising too much as not to offend the citizens
- Reagan and the renewal of the Cold War
- Reagan was know to hate communism and promised to take a hard-line approach
- Condemned communism as "evil and gave a speech on the "evil empire"
- He took big steps to threaten the USSR and protect the USA
- Increase in military spending
- $325 Billion in 1980 to $456 billion in 1987.
- Restarted and invested funds in bombs and weapons
- Increase in military spending
- Solidarity in Poland
- Afghanistan
- Key Issue 2: Why Did Communism collapse in Central and Eastern Europe?
- Key Issue 1: Why did Détente collapse in the 1970's and 80's?
- The mujahedeen were being financed by the USA and rich Saudi's like Osama Bin Laden.
- They launched a holy war
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