P12 - Electromagnetic Waves
- Created by: p_g04
- Created on: 15-05-21 16:42
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- P11 - Types of Waves
- Transverse
- Electromagnetic waves
- Gamma Rays
- Shortest wavelength, highest frequency. Used for treating cancer and in medical imaging
- X-rays
- Used to make images of internal body parts and destroy tumours. Are ionising radiation. Can cause harm depending on the radiation dose
- Radiation dose - Measured in sieverts or millisieverts.
- Ultra violet radiation
- Humans cannot see ultraviolet. Used for sunbeds and security marking. Too much exposure = skin cancer.
- Visible light
- Can be seen by human eye. Light from lamps and sun.
- Infra-red radiation
- All objects emit it. Used for infra-red cameras, remote control handsets.
- Microwaves
- Used for cooking food and communications - pass through earth's atmosphere and reach satellites.
- Radio waves
- Longest wavelength, highest frequency. Used to carry radio, Tv and mobile phone signals.
- Used to make images of internal body parts and destroy tumours. Are ionising radiation. Can cause harm depending on the radiation dose
- Transfer energy from source to absorber.
- Gamma Rays
- Water waves
- S waves
- Secondary waves, produced by earthquakes, shake earth side to side.
- Electromagnetic waves
- Longitudinal
- Sound
- Air particles vibrate and compression's and rare-fractions are formed in air.
- P waves
- Primary waves, produced by earthquakes, push and pull earth.
- Sound
- Communications
- Carrier waves
- Waves that carry info. Do this by varying amplitude.
- Optical fibres
- Transparent fibres, transmit communication signals by light and infra red.
- Carrier waves
- Transverse