P11 Forces in Balance
- Created by: Lucy Hart
- Created on: 14-01-20 17:03
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- P8 - Forces in Balance
- P8.1 Vectors + Scalars
- displacement - distance without change in direction
- vector - has direction + magnitude
- scalar - only has magnitude
- P8.2 Forces between Objects
- Newton's 3rd law - when two objects interact they exert equal + opposite forces on each other
- example - driving
- friction of the road on the tyre - forward direction
- friction of the tyre on the road - reverse direction
- P8.3 Resultant Forces
- single force the has the same effect or stronger effect as all the other forces acting on the object
- resultant force is zero - balanced + stays at rest
- resultant force is not zero - not balanced + speed or direction change
- free body force diagram shows forces acting on object
- P8.4 Moments at Work
- moment is the turning effect of a force
- increase by increasing size of force
- increase distance from turning effect
- pivot - point at which it turns
- force of action - line that a force acts on
- moment = force x distance (from line of action to pivot)
- moment is the turning effect of a force
- P8.5 More about levers + gears
- a lever is a force multiplier so less force is needed - the longer the lever the less force required
- greater force is applied when a lever is involved
- low gear gives a low speed + high turning effect
- high gear gives a high speed + low turning effect
- a lever is a force multiplier so less force is needed - the longer the lever the less force required
- P8.6 - Centre of Mass
- point at which an object's mass is concentrated
- when an object is suspended it comes to rest at its centre of mass directly underneath the point of suspension
- centre of mass of a symmetrical object is a long its axis of symmetry
- P8.7 Moments + Equilibrium
- principle of moments - equal + at rest
- sum of all clockwise moments about a point = sum of all anticlockwise moments about a point
- w1d1 = w2d2
- learn how to use equation to calculate force needed to stop object from turning
- w1d1 = w2d2
- sum of all clockwise moments about a point = sum of all anticlockwise moments about a point
- principle of moments - equal + at rest
- P8.8 Parallelogram of Forces
- used to find the resultant of 2 forces that do not act along the same line
- learn how to draw scale diagram
- P8.9 Resolution of Forces
- at equlilibrium when...
- resultant force = zero
- forces have no turning effect
- learn how to resolve a force
- at equlilibrium when...
- P8.1 Vectors + Scalars
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