Othello Revision
- Created by: marypye118
- Created on: 15-06-19 15:00
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- Othello
- Othello and Desdemona
- Strong and Un-conventional
- "err against all rules of nature"
- "send for the lady...let her speak" // "to be free and bounteous to her mind"
- Weak, Courtly and Idolatry
- "she loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them"
- "A fine woman, a fair woman, a sweet woman"
- "whiter skin of hers than snow, and as smooth as monumental alabaster"
- Argument of love still being present? suggests a stronger love therefore
- Strong and Un-conventional
- Othello
- Insecurities Feeding Suspicion and Jealousy
- "Haply, for I am black" // "begrimed and black as mine own face"
- "I have done the state some service... speak of me as I am"
- Submission to Jealousy, Its Maddening Effects
- "O curse of marriage"
- "Farewell the tranquil mind... Othello's occupation gone!"
- [like an untamed hawk he'd] "whistle her off, and let her down the wind"
- "Damn her...the fair devil" // "Arise black vengeance"
- "foams at the mouth... breaks out to savage madness"
- "O curse of marriage"
- Insecurities Feeding Suspicion and Jealousy
- Iago
- Catalyst, an Embodiment of Jealousy
- "I'll pour this pestilence into his ear"
- "make the net that shall enmesh them all"
- Catalyst, an Embodiment of Jealousy
- Control of wives within marriage (O+I)
- "players in your housewifery, and housewives in your beds"
- "That we can call these delicate creatures ours, And not their appetites"
- "sated with his body" // "give satiety a fresh appetite"
- Women
- Desdemona
- Initial Boldness and Strength in Self
- "My downright violence and storm of fortunes"
- "hath made a gross revolt"
- Downfall
- Unwavering Trust and Loyalty, inability to act against Othello
- "may defeat my life, but never taint my love"
- "I myself. Commend me to my kind lord"
- Instinctive submission to Societal Position as Wife
- "upon my knees, what doth your speech import"
- "Your wife, my lord; your true and loyal wife"
- "wretched fortune"
- Unwavering Trust and Loyalty, inability to act against Othello
- Initial Boldness and Strength in Self
- Emilia
- Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Men
- "[jealousy] is a monster begot upon itself, born on itself"
- "they are all but stomachs, and we all but food"
- Power of Defiance
- "I will not charm my tongue, I am bound to speak"
- "'tis proper I obey him"
- "Villainy, villainy, villainy"
- Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards Men
- Desdemona
- Othello and Desdemona
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