Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Part 1
- Created by: MaggieNaylor
- Created on: 15-04-21 15:04
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- Act 3 Scene 3: deception and duplicity dominate and the destructive power of jealousy becomes clear
- What happens?
- 1. D promises to help C
- 2. D and E speak of the honesty of I, C, and O.
- D says 'I shall rather die/Than give this cause away'
- 3. O and I arrives, Cassio slips away. I opportunistically employs this to voice his suspicions
- 4. D says to O that C needs his help. O ignores this but D is persistent!
- 5. D and E leave, O's tone changes.
- 'Excellent wretch! When I love thee not/ Chaos shall come again'
- 6. I uses this to his advantage and further pours 'pestilence'
- 7. O speaks of the 'monster in thy thought'- his growing jealousy'
- External pressures on the tragic hero. O sees himself as an outsider and so thinks D would cheat on him!
- 8. Iago feigns loyalty + defends Cassio. O's language begins to emulate Iago's
- 9. Othello demands proof of Desdemona's infidelity.
- Cassio
- Engages in polite flattery of Desdemona
- 'bounteous madam'
- Trusting/doubtful
- Unquestionably follows Iago's advice
- But still thinks Othello 'will forget my love and service'
- Engages in polite flattery of Desdemona
- Desdemona
- Open and honest
- Says to Cassio: 'I will do/All my abilities in thy behalf'
- Blind
- Describes Iago as 'an honest fellow'
- 'I'll take him out of patience'
- Says this about Othello, she clearly does not know his temper
- Determined + confident of her love
- Relentlessly asks when O will meet C 'tomorrow night, or...'
- Open and honest
- Emilia
- Present but silenced
- Submissive to Iago but duped
- 'I warrant it grives his husband/As if the causes were his'
- She's worried Iago is grieving Cassio's demotion
- 'I warrant it grives his husband/As if the causes were his'
- Iago
- Opportunistic
- 'Ha, I like not that!'
- Subtle + intelligent
- 'Did Michael Cassio, when you wooed my lady,/Know of your love?'
- Pretends to be reluctant to share his thoughts
- Opportunistic
- Significance of the scene
- Turning point in the play
- O's anger at D for first time
- Descent into chaos
- Emphasises O's flaws
- blindness, lack of self-knowledge, trust, naive openess
- Shakespeare is revealing the consequences of a leader having these traits
- Turning point in the play
- What happens?
- Tragic elements: isolation, power, treatment of women, waste, blindness, tragic hero
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