- Created by: xelario
- Created on: 22-05-19 19:55
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- Othello
- Othering of Othello
- VMV: references to Othello as black and a Moor, as well as his lack of understanding of Venetian customs... establish his liminal position in Venetian society”
- Iago could be interpreted as Marxist but at least he is no Othered like O and all the women
- unable to gain true respect
- Roderigo: 'thick lips' - racially-charged epithet
- VMV: references to Othello as black and a Moor, as well as his lack of understanding of Venetian customs... establish his liminal position in Venetian society”
- Tragic Hero
- the eloquence he charmed D with is 'Othello Music' (G Wilson Knight)
- Shakespeare challenges Jacobeanviews of Black people
- 'authentic nobility in the language of his soul'- Bloom
- Shakespeare challenges Jacobeanviews of Black people
- 'authentic nobility in the language of his soul'- Bloom
- Deterioration of his speech- fragmented 'O! O! O!' blind rage
- development of Othello into another villainous character, extension of Iago
- the eloquence he charmed D with is 'Othello Music' (G Wilson Knight)
- Othering of Othello
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