Organisation for the State of War
- Created by: K4typ
- Created on: 29-05-18 10:03
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- Organisation for the State of War
- Revolutionary 1792-1798
- Levee en Masse 1793
- 1794 army of 800,000 men
- Political indoctrination
- CPS duties put on duty to indoctrinate soldiers
- state control over prices
- After 1794, and the end of the Terror, supply and arms devpt. Reverted to private suppliers – more inefficient, corrupt.
- terror used to control state
- Reign of terror - people against the state guillotined 1793-94
- Meritocracy
- rise of officers with talent eg Napoleon -Toulon 1793
- Expectations of workshops and craftsmen
- cobbelrs to make 10 pairs of shoes a week
- New currency introduced
- inflation
- around 20,000 a year fled to avoid conscription
- Propaganda
- songs , speeches
- - Scientists conscripted to work on problems of metallurgy, explosives, ballistics, all matters relating to armaments manufacture
- - Research lab set up (Meudon) – devised first military observation balloons
- Levee en Masse 1793
- Napoleonic 1799-1815
- Propaganda
- use of semaphore signalling system to spread news
- the production of artillery increased caused 20% of casualties by 1814
- Battle of Wagram 500 guns on either side used
- drew armies and money from conquered lands
- Incomparison to the Revolutionary period armies became even larger.
- Mass mobilization was copied by Napoleons enemies
- Greater organisation 1803 he created the nobility of the empire which was based more on meritcoracy .
- Chappe’s Sempahore system and created a courier express service to increase the speed of military and state messages.
- New roads and canals were built to increase the speed of travel and trade
- Greater population density meant foraging armies could be supported in the country side.
- Propaganda
- American Civil War 1861-1865
- By the end of the war both governments had increased the power of the state
- As the war became less popular in the south the government was forced to introduce conscription There was some resistance at a local level
- South - White majority left to manage slaves
- little amount of tax
- North placed a trade blockade on south --> hit on south economy
- Martial law was introduced
- People able to pay substitutes to avoid conscription
- Certain states offered bonus for signing up $700 in New york
- both sides introduced conscription by the end
- WW1
- Defence of the Realm act 1914
- Buildings were requisitioned
- Defence of the Realm act 1914
- Development of railways made military movements easier.
- The French took over taxi to get troops to the river Marne 1914
- Less attempts to avoid conscription
- telegraph and telephone helped to control population
- greater police control - RU secret police waged war against revolutionaries
- UK higher taxation
- Nationalisation of railways
- Conscription 1916
- Rationing 1918
- Bussiness men invited into government after 1916
- Higher mistreatment of civilians
- Britain 1918 Rationing
- fines for breaking rationing
- More women in heavy industry
- Growth of modern communications encouraged a greater sense of nationalism.
- Objectors sent to work on farms or prison
- 4 billion pounds spend on the war everyday
- New ministries formed to resolve issues
- Shell crisis 1915 --> New ministry of Munitions
- WW2
- Russian dictatorship à economic control + ownership of industries
- Hitler hoped to use Blitzkrieg as a means of avoiding drawn-out controls and the sacrifices previously made in 1914-18
- Britain unlike germany adopted total war early on. Through rationing conscription, heavy taxation, control of transport, extra police powers.
- Germany used slave labour
- Increased propaganda production of war films
- evacuation of children from cities UK
- Military- industrial complex
- women in industry UK not as much in Germany due to ideology
- Wartime welfare state introduced
- Industries Nationalised
- Land girls
- farm labour workforce increased by a fith
- Conscription from the beginning conscription act 1939 and 41
- Farmers increased the number of acres under cultivation from 12,000,000 to 18,000,000 (from about 50,000 to 75,000 km2
- timber corps set up to collect wood
- Religious institutions used to support those who had been displaced
- Crimean War
- Volunteers requested for the war
- Lord Raglan established a training camp at Chobham in Surrey
- Chobham 1853 used to practice tactics and cooking
- the times newspaper used to publish accounts
- 1st war with more political interference from the government and public
- Wars of Unification
- Revolutionary 1792-1798
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