Organic chemistry
- Created by: LauraNannini
- Created on: 21-04-20 11:05
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- Topic 6c
- Aldehydes and ketone differences
- Fehlings solution- heat gently
- Aldehydes are oxidized by Fehlings solution into a carboxylic acid and the copper ions are reduced to copper (I) oxide
- Ketones are present when blue colour stays
- If aldehydes are present it goes from blue to red
- Tollens reagent
- aldehydes only are oxidized to carboxylic acids and complex ion into silver ions
- Aldehydes present- forms a silver mirror
- Ketones present- no mirror formed
- Fehlings solution- heat gently
- Alcohols with dehydrating agents
- WIth phosphoric acid to form an alkene
- Elimination reaction
- Water is produced along with the alkene
- Distillation
- seperating technique
- Seperates them from their different boiling points
- Heat under reflux
- Used to heat for a long time
- Condensor prevents the gas from escaping
- Purifying an organic liquid
- 1- put in a seperating funnel
- 2- add sodium hydrogen-carbonate solution and release the pressure made by the forming of CO2
- 3- Allow layers to separate inside the funnel
- 4- run organic layer into a conical flask and add a drying agent
- 5- place the liquid in a distillation flask to collect the pure liquid
- Aldehydes and ketone differences
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