- Created by: Z1574
- Created on: 29-12-16 15:31
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- Organelles
- Plasma Membrane
- found on surface of animal cells and just inside cell wall of plant cells
- It is mainly made up of lipids and proteins
- Its function is to: regulate the movement of substances into and out of the cell.
- Its also has receptor molecules on it, which allows to respond to chemicals like hormones
- Cell Wall
- Its a rigid structure that surrounds plant cells
- Its mainly made of the carbohydrate- cellulose
- Its function is to support plant cells
- Nucleus
- Its a large organelle surrounded by a nuclear envelope (double membrane) which contains many pores
- The pores allow allow substances (e.g. RNA) to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
- It contains chromatin (which is made from DNA and proteins) and often a structure - nucleolus
- The nucleolus makes ribosomes
- Its function is to control the cell's activities (by controlling the transcription of DNA)
- DNA contains instructions to make proteins
- Its a large organelle surrounded by a nuclear envelope (double membrane) which contains many pores
- Lysosome
- Its a round organelle surrounded by a membrane but with no internal structures
- It contains digestive enzymes. These are kept separate from the cytoplasm by surrounding membrane
- they digest invading cells or break down worn out components of the cell
- Ribosome
- A very small organelle that either floats free in the cytoplasm or attached to RER
- Its made of proteins and RNA but NOT surrounded by a membrane
- Its the site where proteins are made
- Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
- A system of membranes enclosing a fluid-filled space
- The surface is covered with ribosomes
- Untitled
- Plasma Membrane
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