Opposition to Nazi Regime
- Created by: sophie2222
- Created on: 01-06-14 11:58
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- Opposition to Nazi Regime
- Reasons
- Economic failures- inflation increasing and wages falling, rationing and second sons were dispossessed
- Many unhappy with everyday life, hitler youth became compulsory and fear of gestapo/ denunciations spread
- Racial policies in East. socialists/ communists objected to outlawing of parties.
- Loyal reluctance-consensus-not mean but won't rebel
- Silent opposition- grumbling/ refusing Heil Hitler
- Ilse Totzke denounced for not saying 'Heil Hitler'- even none conformity was punished. Terror-persuasive
- Swing movement-listened to american jazz. lacked edge to be a threat to regime
- Youth
- Edelweiss Pirates-targetted Hitler Youth/ antagonistic to authority.
- Youth
- Protest
- The Church-catholic priests read out 'with burning concern' attacked Euthanasia policy
- Edelweiss Pirates-targetted Hitler Youth/ antagonistic to authority.
- 1942-43 White Rose group-Hans +Sophie Scholl-distributed nazi leaflets around Munich University.
- Youth
- Youth
- Active resistence-plots to kill Hitler
- The Army-operation Vaulkarie- reliance on Stauffenberg to blow Hitler and men up with bomb. only time to arm 1 bomb and location was changed-time different-failed
- 1944 war years
- Army Plots
- Georg Elser 1939- planted bomb in beer hall. bomb went off after Hitler had left- bad timing/not large threat-lone.caughtat border with plastic explosives.
- 1938 Army-Beck plotted to arrest and bring Hitler to trial. failed-munich agreement prevented war.
- Army Plots
- The Army-operation Vaulkarie- reliance on Stauffenberg to blow Hitler and men up with bomb. only time to arm 1 bomb and location was changed-time different-failed
- Left wing
- SPD-'Red shock group' 3,000 members and created own newspaper. communist leaflets published and workers resistance
- Right wing
- Goerdeler group-karl had army contacts and knew about plots.
- Reasons
- Loyal reluctance-consensus-not mean but won't rebel
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