Opposition to Tsardom
- Created by: sophie.nchls
- Created on: 03-06-18 11:13
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- Opposition to Tsardom
- Reformists & Liberals
- Supported the Tsar but wanted to share the power through a democratic parliament
- Have a say in how country is run
- Used English system as an example
- Monarch + Parliament
- Parliament made laws that effected systems & lives of people
- Monarch + Parliament
- Most members = doctors, lawyers & teachers
- Many groups
- Believed the only way to deal with internal problems reform countries industries
- Supported the Tsar but wanted to share the power through a democratic parliament
- Revolutionaries
- Believed Russia would never improve or modernise until Tsarist system was overthrown
- Destroyed by revolution
- Social revolutionaries
- grew from Populist movement
- Continued the violent approach to the state
- Responsible for the assassination of high ranking officials & key members of the okrana
- Continued the violent approach to the state
- Maintained the idea that the peasants were the key to the revolution
- Called for the large noble states to be divided up
- Handed over to the peasants
- Conditions worsened in the countryside = gaining widespread support
- grew from Populist movement
- Believed Russia would never improve or modernise until Tsarist system was overthrown
- Social democrats
- Followed Karl Marx idea
- Revolution in Russia would only occur when workers (proletariats) overthrew Tsarist systems
- Workers were the key to the future of Russia
- Began to gain support in the factories & urban centres across Russia
- Split into 2 groups
- Bolsheviks
- Led by Lenin
- Action needed to be taken
- Small group should conduct the revolution
- Mensheviks
- Russia not ready for revolution
- Untitled
- Bolsheviks
- Followed Karl Marx idea
- Reformists & Liberals
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