Opposition events (nature of government)
- Created by: avaniwilliams
- Created on: 30-05-18 12:09
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- Opposition (events)
- Bloody Sunday
- Peaceful march, 9th January 1905 into the winter palace
- Ruthlessly gunned down by troops; 200 shot dead, 800 injured
- Provoked a tidal wave of further strikes and revolutions
- Peaceful march, 9th January 1905 into the winter palace
- Lena Goldfields massacre
- The miners here worked long hours (15-16 hrs) and paid with coupons for company shops with little edible food
- They striked on 29th Feb 1912 demanding an 8 hour work day, 30% rise in wages and improvement of food delivery
- The next day, 2500 people marched in protest, soldiers shot the crowd killing 270 and wounding 250
- They striked on 29th Feb 1912 demanding an 8 hour work day, 30% rise in wages and improvement of food delivery
- Provoked nationwide strikes and protest meetings
- The miners here worked long hours (15-16 hrs) and paid with coupons for company shops with little edible food
- Kronstadt Mutiny
- A series of strikes broke out in Petrograd and sailors at the Kronstadt Naval base between 28th Feb - 18th march 1921
- 1000 killed, 2000 wounded, 2500 captured and 8000 defected to Finland
- The NEP was created as a response
- A series of strikes broke out in Petrograd and sailors at the Kronstadt Naval base between 28th Feb - 18th march 1921
- Moscow show trials
- Former leading members of the Bolshevik party were on trial for treason nad partitipcation in elbaroate terrorist conspiracies against stalin
- Aug 1936; 16 defendants inc Kamenev and Zinioviev, were found guilty and **** within 24 hrs
- Jan 1937; 17 prominent members were charge, 13 shot
- March 1938; 21 of the most prominent members were accused of being part of an anti-soviet bloc, 18 were sentenced to death
- Former leading members of the Bolshevik party were on trial for treason nad partitipcation in elbaroate terrorist conspiracies against stalin
- Novocher - kassk Massacre
- Riots in the city to the town hall as a result of food and provision shortages and poor working conditions
- 22 were killed by the army and 87 wounded. The following morning several hundred demonstrators gathered again and 116 were arrested
- Bodies were secretly buried and it didnt reach the press til 1992 when the bodies were found
- 22 were killed by the army and 87 wounded. The following morning several hundred demonstrators gathered again and 116 were arrested
- Riots in the city to the town hall as a result of food and provision shortages and poor working conditions
- Hungarian Uprising
- Protesters were encouraged by Khrushchev's destalinisation speech
- Oct 1956 - students, workers and soldiers attacked the secret police
- There was freedom for 5 days and the prime minister planned to leave the Warsaw pact
- 1000 Russian tanks came and killed 4000 hungarians
- There was freedom for 5 days and the prime minister planned to leave the Warsaw pact
- Oct 1956 - students, workers and soldiers attacked the secret police
- Protesters were encouraged by Khrushchev's destalinisation speech
- July days
- 3-7 July 1917 Bolshevik soldiers, sailors, and industrial workers engaged in spontaneous armed demonstrations against PG
- Unsuccessful - They were beaten, arrested, property destroyed and leaders persecuted
- Resulted in a temporary decline in Bolshevik influence
- 3-7 July 1917 Bolshevik soldiers, sailors, and industrial workers engaged in spontaneous armed demonstrations against PG
- Bloody Sunday
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