On The Waterfront
- Created by: sammilaw
- Created on: 17-03-16 15:49
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- On The Waterfront
- Purpose
- Film Music
- Extreme dynamics
- Falling monophonic opening melodic motif - despair
- Dissonance - angst
- Muted trombone and trumpet
- Percussion fugue - Excitement
- Prescriptive writing
- Minor 2nds/3rds, augmented 4ths/5ths, tritones - anger/despair
- Atonality/bitonality - ambiguous
- Extreme registers of instruments
- Film Music
- Emotional Impact
- Unpredictable
- Sudden rhythmic changes
- Sudden and extreme dynamics
- Tempo changes
- Anger
- Presto barbaro
- Accents and loud dynamics
- Sustained chord at the end - minor 2nd
- Despair
- Monophonic falling opening motif
- Very low register for piano
- Muted trombone and trumpet
- Unpredictable
- Style
- Jazz influence
- Alto Saxophone
- Large varied percussion section
- 20th Century
- Non-diatonic, dissonant and chromatic
- Minor 2nds and 3rds, augmented 4ths and 5ths
- Bitonality - bar 26
- Extreme registers
- Eb clarinet
- Piano as part of the orchestra rather than solo
- Very large orchestra
- No key signature
- Jazz influence
- Purpose
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